Eviction - Unlawful Detainer

Post date: Jul 25, 2016 8:31:27 PM

Legal steps and forms needed file an Unlawful Detainer from 3 Day Notice to After the Trial from the California Courts Self Help Website.

PREJUDGMENT CLAIM: filed w/summons for UD. It requires everyone claiming to be a tenant to file a response & they'll be added as defendants.

Eviction Judgement

Judgments are valid for 10 years and can be renewed for an additional ten years.

Wage Garnishment

A landlord can apply to the court for a writ of execution for money and then send this document to the Sheriff’s office with a wage garnishment. Under the law, the landlord is entitled to 25% of this person’s wages.

Landlords cannot evict a tenant for an illegal reason, like discrimination against the tenant because of the tenant’s race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, or disability. A landlord cannot evict a tenant to retaliate or get even for the tenant making a complaint about the condition of the property.

In some cases, a landlord can give a tenant more than 1 notice at the same time. For example, if the tenant is always late with the rent, a landlord can serve a "3-Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit" and a "30-Day Notice to Quit" at the same time. If the tenant does not pay the rent within 3 days of receiving the 3-day notice, the landlord can file an unlawful detainer case after the 3-day period ends. Even if the tenant pays the rent within the 3-day period, he or she must still move out in 30 days. If the tenant does not move out after the 30 days, then the landlord has to file an unlawful detainer case.

3 Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit

Landlords can use this notice when the tenant is behind on the rent. The notice must:

The notice must NOT include other money the tenant owes, like late fees, interest, utilities, or damages.

3 Day Notice to Cure the Violation or Quit

Landlords can use this kind of notice if the tenant is violating terms in the lease or rental agreement and the problem can be fixed. For example, if the tenant has moved in a pet without permssion, or is not keeping the unit clean, or is violating some other term of the agreement, the notice must ask the tenant to correct the violation within 3 days or move out. The notice must:

3 Day Notice to Quit - not common

This kind of notice is used if there have been ongoing problems with a tenant who:

The notice must:

30 or 60 Day Notice to Vacate

A landlord can use a 30-day notice to end a month-to-month tenancy if the tenant has been renting for less than a year. A landlord should use a 60-day notice if the tenant has been renting for a year or more and the landlord wants the tenant to move out.

The notice must:

90 Day Notice to Vacate

A landlord must use this kind of notice if the tenant is in subsidized housing (Section 8). The landlord must explain why he or she is asking the tenant to move out, and the landlord must have good reasons ("just cause") to ask the tenant to leave.

When a Notice is NOT Required

A notice is almost always needed before filing an unlawful detainer case. But there are a few exceptions:

How to Properly Serve Notices

Landlords have to serve the notice on the tenant properly. They can do it themselves, or ask a friend to do it. They can also hire a process server. The person who serves the notice must be at least 18 years old.

There are 3 ways to serve the notice:

After Giving Notice

Once you give the tenant notice, landlords must wait until the notice period is up to see if the tenant does what the notice asks within the time allowed. If the tenant does not comply, the landlord can file an unlawful detainer case in court to evict the tenant and request back rent. If the tenant does what the notice requires (like pay the back rent in full), then the landlord cannot file an unlawful detainer case.

If the notice is not correctable, such as a 3-day notice to quit or a 30- or 60-day notice to quit (move out) in a month-to-month tenancy, you can file an unlawful detainer case in court when the notice period ends.

If the landlord files the eviction case in court before the notice runs out, the court will dismiss the case.

To count the days in the notice period:

The first day is the day after the notice is served. Then count every day on the calendar, including weekends and holidays. If the last day of the notice period falls on a holiday or weekend, then the notice period ends the next work day. If you do not serve the notice in person and have to mail a second copy, you have to make sure that you do not start counting until the day after you mail the notice.

Starting the Unlawful Detainer Case

There are a number of steps the landlord has to follow in an unlawful detainer case. If the landlord and the tenant reach an agreement at any point during this process, the agreement can be written up and the case dismissed. Read for more information about resolving the case out of court by agreement.

Also, remember that evictions can be complicated. The landlord and tenant do not have to get a lawyer. But, there are strict court rules and court forms the landlord has to fill out, file, and serve. The rules and forms are complicated. And if the landlord does not do things correctly, the landlord may lose their case. There may be legal help in their county for landlords trying to evict a tenant. The landlord can also check with their court’s self-help center to see if they help people with unlawful detainer cases.

1. Fill out the forms

To start the unlawful detainer case, the landlord has to fill out 3 court forms:

Local court also may require landlords to fill out other local forms, so make sure to check with the court clerk to make sure the landlord have filled out all the necessary papers.

In completing the complaint, keep in mind:

If the court’s self-help center helps with unlawful detainer cases, take the paperwork to them to review. They cannot give the landlord legal advice, but they can make sure the landlord completed the forms so they can be filed. Landlords can also hire their own lawyer to review their papers or to get legal advice, either with their entire case, or just the parts of it that they may need more help with (called “limited scope representation” or “unbundling”).

2. File the Complaint

Make 2 copies of the Summons and Complaint and take them with the originals to the courthouse in the county where the property is located. Click to find a court in their area. Turn in their forms -- original and copies -- to the clerk. The landlord will have to pay the court filing fee. If the landlord cannot afford a filing fee, they can ask for a fee waiver. If the court approves their fee waiver request, they will not have to pay the fees. But if they win their lawsuit and collect money, the court may ask the landlord to pay back the waived fees. The clerk will stamp the landlord’s forms "Filed" and give back 2 file-stamped copies of all the forms. One copy of each is for the landlord. The other is for the tenant. If there is more than one tenant, make extra copies for the other tenants (the landlord can make copies of the file-stamped copy for this purpose). The court keeps the original.

3. Serve the unlawful detainer papers

The landlord has to serve the tenant with the unlawful detainer papers. The tenant can be served in 1 of these 3 ways:

Click to find about more information about “service of process."

Every defendant named in the lawsuit must be served with the Summons and Complaint. Make sure a third person NOT involved in the case serves the Summons and Complaint on the defendant. The landlord cannot serve the Summons and Complaint themself, even if they served the notice.

If there are other people living in the property that the landlord did not include in the Complaint, they have 2 choices. Ask a lawyer what choice is best.

The choices are:

Do nothing: If the landlord does nothing, the people who are not included in the Complaint do not have to leave when the court orders the named defendants to move out. So, if the landlord win and they do not leave voluntarily, the sheriff will not evict them and the landlord may have to bring another lawsuit to get their property back. At the time the landlord have the named defendants served with the Summons and Complaint, have their server find out if there are any other occupants in the rental unit. If there are, have their server serve each of them with a blank Prejudgment Claim of Right of Possession (Form CP 10.5) as well as copies of the Summons and Complaint. The Prejudgment Claim of Right of Possession (Form CP 10.5) gives other occupants of the property the chance to file papers with the court within 10 days to tell the judge they have a right to live on the property. If they do not file anything, then the sheriff will evict them if they win. Note: If they are evicting tenants after acquiring the property in a foreclosure, this 10 day limit does NOT apply and the tenants can file the Prejudgment Claim at any time before the judgment is final, or challenge the eviction after the judgment. If there are occupants in the property that the landlord did not name in their eviction complaint, they may be able to fight the eviction successfully, even if the landlord initially gets their eviction judgment. This is especially true in foreclosed properties.

Alert! If there are other people living in the property that are not included in the Complaint, and the landlord decides to serve them with a Prejudgment Claim of Right of Possession, they MUST have a registered process server or sheriff serve them. They cannot use a friend in this case.

4. Fill out and file the proof of service

The server must first complete and sign a Proof of Service of Summons (Form POS-010) and give it to the landlord.

The landlord must then take the completed, signed Proof of Service to the court clerk for filing with a copy for themself. The landlord must make sure the Proof of Service is filled out correctly. A mistake on this form can delay the case.

5. Wait the required time for the tenant to respond

If the tenant was served in person, the tenant has 5 days to respond. Weekends are counted (holidays are not), but the 5th day must be a work day. So if the 5 days run out on a Saturday or Sunday, the tenant has until the end of the day on Monday (or the end of the day on Tuesday if Monday is a court holiday) to file a response. If the tenant was served by substituted service or "post and mail," the tenant has 15 days after the date the server mailed the court papers to file a response. The date of mailing is the postmark date. Note: If there is more than 1 defendant (tenant), there could be different deadlines if they were served in different ways or on different days. The landlord has to keep track of the deadline for each defendant.

6. The tenant's response

The tenant may or may not file a response, which will then determine what the landlord’s next step is.

If the tenant does NOT respond

If the tenant does not file a response within 5 days, the landlord may be able to evict him or her without the tenant having a say in the case. This can affect the tenant’s ability to rent in the future because he or she will have an eviction on his or her record. And if the landlord say the tenant owes money for back rent and the tenant does not answer, the landlord may be able to take that money from the tenant’s paycheck or bank account. An eviction can also affect the tenant’s credit record.

First, the landlord must make sure that the tenant's time to respond is over.

Then, the landlord must ask the court to make an order in your favor. This is called a "default judgment," and it means the tenant will not be able to fight the case in court.

To do this, the landlord must fill out and file these forms:

Request for Entry of Default (Form CIV-100); Judgment-Unlawful Detainer (Form UD-110); and Writ of Execution (or Writ of Possession) (Form EJ-130). If there is more than 1 defendant in the case, the landlord can ask for a default judgment against the ones that have not responded.

If the landlord wants to get an order giving them possession of the property right away, they can first just ask for a Clerk's Judgment for Possession. They can do that on Form UD-110 or ask the court if they have a simpler form for this.

The landlord will not be able to include back rent in this Clerk's Judgment, but if the clerk confirms that they have done everything correctly, he or she can process it and give it to you very quickly. With the Judgment for Possession, the landlord can get the Writ of Execution, which is the document that the landlord gives to the sheriff to evict the tenant.

The landlord can later ask for a Judgment that includes back rent and court costs.

Alert! If the landlord does not ask for a "default judgment" as soon as the tenant's time to answer is up, the tenant will have more time to answer. The tenant will be able to file a response as long as the landlord does not file the Request for Entry of Default.

If the tenant DOES respond

If the tenant files a response, he or she needs to send the landlord a copy of the response. The tenant will send it to the address the landlord put on the Complaint. The landlord can also go to the courthouse and look up the case if they have not received anything from the tenant and want to make sure he or she did not respond.

There are different ways a tenant may respond. Most tenants respond by filing an Answer - Unlawful Detainer (Form UD-105 | video instructions ). But if the tenant believes the landlord’s Complaint or service of their Complaint is defective, he or she may file a motion such as a motion to quash (void) service or a demurrer challenging the service or the Complaint.

A motion to quash service is filed when the tenant says that the landlord did not serve the Summons and Complaint properly. If the tenant wins, the landlord has to re-serve the Summons and Complaint. If the landlord wins, the tenant will have to answer the Complaint promptly. A demurrer is filed when the tenant says that the the Complaint fails to include all the facts or elements that the law requires to justify an eviction. Demurrers can delay the case by a few weeks, and if the tenant wins, the landlord may have to start the case all over and may even have to give the tenant a new notice. So it is very important for the landlord to fill out the eviction notice and the Complaint correctly. If the tenant files either a motion to quash or a demurrer, you should talk to a lawyer because there are steps you need to take to avoid delays, fix any problems, and continue with the case. If the tenant files and serves the landlord with an answer, you must file a Request to Set Case for Trial-Unlawful Detainer (Form UD-150), at the clerk's office if you want the case to move forward.

The landlord also has to serve the tenant by mail with a copy of the Request and have the server fill out the Proof of Service on the back of the Request.

Click if the tenant has already moved out before the case is over.

7. Before the trial

About a week after the landlord files the Request to Set Case for Trial, the court clerk will mail the landlord and the tenant information with the exact date, time and location of the trial. The trial will take place within 20 days.

If the tenant does not agree with the information in the landlord’s Request to Set Case for Trial, he or she may also file and serve the landlord with a Counter-Request (Form UD-150).

Deciding on a jury trial:

Both the landlord and the tenant have a right to a jury trial. Talk to a lawyer about whether you should ask for a jury trial.

The side that wants the jury trial will have to give the court $150 for jury fees. If they do not have enough money, the can ask the clerk about a fee waiver.

If the landlord wants a jury trial, they must check the box (at item 3) on the Request to Set Case for Trial. If the tenant wants to have a jury trial and the landlord did not ask for one, the tenant has to file and serve the landlord with a Counter-Request (Form UD-150) or file a Demand for a Jury Trial.

The procedures in the landlord’s local courthouse may be different when there is a jury trial, so they need to make sure you know what the next step is. In some counties, there is a mandatory settlement meeting before a jury trial. Also, with a jury trial, the landlord may need other forms like jury instructions and jury questions. They should ask legal aid, self-help center, or check local law library for samples of these documents.

8. Prepare for trial

Get all the information related to the case. If possible take original documents, plus 3 copies of everything taken to court. This may include papers like:

The lease or rental agreement; The notice served on the tenant; Letters you wrote or received about the rental unit; Photos that show damage to the unit, if applicable; Photos that show unsafe or unhealthy conditions, if applicable; and Building inspection reports, if applicable The landlord may also bring witnesses who have personal knowledge of the facts. If a witness is important for the landlord to prove your case, it is best to get a subpoena issued and served on the witness to make sure he or she comes to court. Even if the witness is willing to come to court, sometimes his or her work requires that a subpoena be served on the employee to allow time off to come to court. Also, if some emergency prevents the witness from showing up in court, the landlord may be able to get the trial continued if the witness was subpoenaed, but a continuance will generally not be granted if the witness was not. Only a lawyer or the court clerk can issue subpoenas, so get a pre-issued subpoena from the court if you do not have a lawyer.

If the landlord does not speak English well, they need to bring an adult who can interpret for them. Or hire an interpreter. Most courts do not provide interpreters for unlawful detainer cases.

If the landlord is deaf or hard of hearing, the can ask the court for a sign language interpreter. Courts must provide sign language interpreters, but it is important to request one at least 5 days in advance of the hearing, preferably as soon as the landlord knows their trial date. To do this, they must fill out and file a Request for Accomodations by Persons with Disabilities and Response (Form MC-410).

Read Going to Court to find out how to prepare for court hearing.

9. The trial

The unlawful detainer trial will be at the courthouse. A judge or a commissioner will hear the case. There may be a jury if either side asked for one and posted the jury fees or was able to get them waived with a fee waiver.

For tips on how to prepare for your trial or hearing, read the section on Going to Court.

Once your case is called, the court generally has the plaintiff speak first. The landlord will have to explain why the tenant should be evicted. The tenant will then have a chance to explain his or her side. The judge may ask both sides questions at any time and review any evidence that they present.

Listen carefully to what the judge says.

The court clerk will give or mail the landlord a copy of a court order that says what the judge's decision is. The judge’s decision will be based on applying the law to the facts as the court decides them. For information on how to collect any money the judge orders the landlord or the tenant to pay, read the section Collect your Judgment.

10. After the trial

If the landlord wins:

If the judge or jury decides the landlord has the right to evict the tenant, the judge will give the landlord a Judgment of Possession. The judge or jury may also order the tenant to pay back rent, damages, and costs, like filing fees and attorney fees (if this is in the rental agreement). The landlord may also be able to get money for the rent that they could have gotten for the rental unit while the tenant was there illegally. If the court finds the tenant only stayed in the unit to be mean, spiteful, or to make the landlord suffer, the court may order the tenant to pay a penalty of up to $600.

The court will give you a Judgment of Possession (Form UD-110). This gives the landlord possession of the property. Then, the landlord must fill out and have the court clerk issue a Writ of Execution (Form EJ-130) and take the writ to the sheriff. This lets the sheriff remove and lock the tenant out of the property. The sheriff will serve the tenant with a notice to vacate the property. This gives the tenant 5 days to move. If the tenant does not move, the sheriff will remove the tenant from the rental unit and lock him or her out.

If the tenant wins:

The judge may decide the tenant has the legal right to stay in the property. If so, the judge may order the landlord to pay the tenant's costs, like filing fees and attorney fees (if this is in the rental agreement). The judge may also decide how much rent the tenant has to pay.

11. Post judgment filings

The side that loses can appeal or can file a motion to set aside (cancel) the judge's order. There are strict deadlines to do this, and the side appealing needs a legally valid reason to do it. If the landlord thinking of appealing, they should talk to a lawyer.

If a tenant appeals or tries to cancel the judge’s order, the eviction is not stopped. The only way for a tenant to stop or delay the eviction is to ask for a stay of execution.

Even if a tenant does not appeal, he or she may want more time to move out. If the landlord will not agree to it, the tenant will also have to file a request for a stay of eviction ("stay").

Stays of Execution

A tenant has to file the stay as soon as he or she gets a notice from the sheriff giving him or her 5 days to leave the unit.

If it is granted, a stay will delay the eviction. Some courts almost never grant stays, so it is not something the parties should count on. If the judge lets the tenant remain in the rental unit longer, the tenant will have to pay the rent for that period of time. The amount of time the tenant can stay will depend on the county and the case.

The tenant needs a good reason to ask for more time. And there are no court forms to ask for a stay, so tenants should talk to a lawyer for help. Remember, a tenant must act very quickly or he or she will not be able to delay the eviction.

If the tenant moves out before the case is over If the landlord has already filed the unlawful detainer papers at court, and the tenant moves out before the trial, they have 2 choices:

1. Dismiss the case, or 2. Ask the court to convert the case to a regular civil case for damages to collect back rent in the amount requested in the unlawful detainer complaint.

To request a dismissal of the case, file a Request for Dismissal (Form CIV-110).

If the landlord does not dismiss the case or ask that it be changed to a regular civil case for damages, the tenant may go to the trial and ask the court to dismiss the case because he or she has already moved out. If the tenant wins, he or she may get an award of costs for having to come to court for the trial when the case should have been converted to a regular civil case or dismissed.

If your tenant seems to have moved out, even if the landlord has not filed an eviction case in court

If rent is 14 or more consecutive days overdue and the landlord has good reason to believe that the tenant has moved out without letting the landlord know, this is called “abandonment.”

If this happens, the landlord can send the tenant a Notice of Belief of Abandonment that includes the name of the tenant and the address of the rental unit. It must also say that this is a “Notice of Belief of Abandonment” and say what date the landlord is ending the lease or rental agreement. The date must be at least 15 days after the landlord serves the notice in person, or 18 days after he or she serves the notice by mail. The landlord must also sign and date the notice.

The tenant has 15 days if served in person, or 18 days if served by mail, to send the landlord a response telling the landlord that he or she has not abandoned the premises, or to pay the landlord all or part of the rent that is owed.

If the tenant does not answer the notice, the landlord can move the tenant’s belongings out and rent the place to someone else without having to file an unlawful detainer case.

BUT the landlord must be very careful because if the rent was not overdue for 14 days, or he or she did not wait long enough for the tenant to answer, or he or she had no good reason to think that the tenant moved out, the tenant could sue the landlord for “wrongful eviction.”

Information on this page are from the following:

1161. A tenant of real property, for a term less than life, or the executor or administrator of his or her estate heretofore qualified and now acting or hereafter to be qualified and act, is guilty of unlawful detainer:

1. When he or she continues in possession, in person or by subtenant, of the property, or any part thereof, after the expirationof the term for which it is let to him or her; provided the expiration is of a nondefault nature however brought about without the permission of his or her landlord, or the successor in estate of his or her landlord, if applicable; including the case where the person to be removed became the occupant of the premises as a servant, employee, agent, or licensee and the relation of master and servant, or employer and employee, or principal and agent, or licensor and licensee, has been lawfully terminated or the time fixed for occupancy by the agreement between the parties has expired; but nothing in this subdivision shall be construed as preventing the removal of the occupant in any other lawful manner; but in case of a tenancy at will, it must first be terminated by notice, as prescribed in the Civil Code.

2. When he or she continues in possession, in person or by subtenant, without the permission of his or her landlord, or the successor in estate of his or her landlord, if applicable, after default in the payment of rent, pursuant to the lease or agreement under which the property is held, and three days' notice, in writing, requiring its payment, stating the amount which is due, the name, telephone number, and address of the person to whom the rent payment shall be made, and, if payment may be made personally, the usual days and hours that person will be available to receive the payment (provided that, if the address does not allow for personal delivery, then it shall be conclusively presumed that upon the mailing of any rent or notice to the owner by the tenant to the name and address provided, the notice or rent is deemed received by the owner on the date posted, if the tenant can show proof of mailing to the name and address provided by the owner), or the number of an account in a financial institution into which the rental payment may be made, and the name and street address of the institution (provided that the institution is located within five miles of the rental property), or if an electronic funds transfer procedure has been previously established, that payment may be made pursuant to that procedure, or possession of the property, shall have been served upon him or her and if there is a subtenant in actual occupation of the premises, also upon the subtenant.

The notice may be served at any time within one year after the rent becomes due. In all cases of tenancy upon agricultural lands, where the tenant has held over and retained possession for more than 60 days after the expiration of the term without any demand of possession or notice to quit by the landlord or the successor in estate of his or her landlord, if applicable, he or she shall be deemed to be holding by permission of the landlord or successor in estate of his or her landlord, if applicable, and shall be entitled to hold under the terms of the lease for another full year, and shall not be guilty of an unlawful detainer during that year, and the holding over for that period shall be taken and construed as a consent on the part of a tenant to hold for another year.

3. When he or she continues in possession, in person or by subtenant, after a neglect or failure to perform other conditions or covenants of the lease or agreement under which the property is held, including any covenant not to assign or sublet, than the one for the payment of rent, and three days' notice, in writing, requiring the performance of such conditions or covenants, or the possession of the property, shall have been served upon him or her, and if there is a subtenant in actual occupation of the premises, also, upon the subtenant. Within three days after the service of the notice, the tenant, or any subtenant in actual occupation of the premises, or any mortgagee of the term, or other person interested in its continuance, may perform the conditions or covenants of the lease or pay the stipulated rent, as the case may be, and thereby save the lease from forfeiture; provided, if the conditions and covenants of the lease, violated by the lessee, cannot afterward be performed, then no notice, as last prescribed herein, need be given to the lessee or his or her subtenant, demanding the performance of the violated conditions or covenants of the lease.

A tenant may take proceedings, similar to those prescribed in this chapter, to obtain possession of the premises let to a subtenant or held by a servant, employee, agent, or licensee, in case of his or her unlawful detention of the premises underlet to him or her or held by him or her.

4. Any tenant, subtenant, or executor or administrator of his or her estate heretofore qualified and now acting, or hereafter to be qualified and act, assigning or subletting or committing waste upon the demised premises, contrary to the conditions or covenants of his or her lease, or maintaining, committing, or permitting the maintenance or commission of a nuisance upon the demised premises or using the premises for an unlawful purpose, thereby terminates the lease, and the landlord, or his or her successor in estate, shall upon service of three days' notice to quit upon the person or persons in possession, be entitled to restitution of possession of the demised premises under this chapter. For purposes of this subdivision, a person who commits or maintains a public nuisance as described in Section 3482.8 of the Civil Code, or who commits an offense described in subdivision (c) of Section 3485 of the Civil Code, or subdivision (c) of Section 3486 of the Civil Code, or uses the premises to further the purpose of that offense shall be deemed to have committed a nuisance upon the premises.

5. When he or she gives written notice as provided in Section 1946 of the Civil Code of his or her intention to terminate the hiring of the real property, or makes a written offer to surrender which is accepted in writing by the landlord, but fails to deliver possession at the time specified in that written notice, without the permission of his or her landlord, or the successor in estate of the landlord, if applicable.

As used in this section, tenant includes any person who hires real property except those persons whose occupancy is described in subdivision (b) of Section 1940 of the Civil Code.

This section shall become operative on January 1, 2012.