Alameda Rent Program - Effective 3/31/16

Post date: Jul 11, 2016 5:8:40 AM

Below is the announcement letter regarding the Alameda Rent Program.  


The Alameda City Council recently passed new regulations concerning rent increases and limitations on certain evictions in the City. The new regulations, which become effective March 31, 2016, are available on the City’s website:

ü  Beginning March 31 2016, there are new requirements concerning the following:

ü  Noticing rent increases

ü  Offering leases

ü  Increasing rent more than 5%

ü  Noticing a termination of tenancy

ü  Providing relocation assistance in connection with certain termination of tenancies üRequiring Capital Improvement Plans in connection with substantial rehabilitation of rental units

Restrictions on Rent Increases

·        There can only be one rent increase every 12 months

·        There is no cap on rent increases

·        Mandatory: For rent increases above 5%

o   Landlords must file a notice with the Program Administrator - Rent increases above 5% are subject to review by the Rent Review Advisory Committee.

-                      If a Landlord or Tenant disagrees with the Rent Review Advisory Committee recommendation, and the rental unit is a multi-family rental unit built before February 1995, either party may file a petition to have the rent increase determined by a neutral hearing officer whose decision is legally binding on the parties. For all other rental units, the Rent Review Advisory Committee’s recommendation is non-binding.

·        For rent increases at or below 5%

-                      Tenants may request a review of their rent increase by the Rent Review Advisory Committee. The Committee’s recommendation is non-binding.

Limitations on Termination of Tenancy*

·        For Cause Termination of Tenancy

-                      Termination of tenancy is permitted for certain causes, such as failure to pay rent, breach of the lease

-                      No relocation fees are required for such terminations

-                      There is no limitation on the rent amount for a new tenant

·        No Fault Termination of Tenancy

-                      Termination of tenancy is permitted for no fault of the tenant, such as an owner move-in

-                      Relocation fees are required

·        No Cause Termination of Tenancy

-                      Termination of tenancy is permitted for no cause

-                      Relocation fees are required

-                      The rent amount offered to a new tenant cannot be more than 5% greater than the prior tenant’s rent - Only a limited number of “no cause” termination of tenancies are permitted each year

*Please refer to Ordinance 3148 for a comprehensive explanation of limitations.  You can find this on their website at