Remedy for a Lease Violation

Post date: Aug 03, 2016 12:4:1 AM

(Measure EE, Codified in the Oakland Municipal Code at 8.22.300, et seq.)

In Oakland, if your tenant is in breach of their contract or they are in violation of their lease, the landlord has to take the proper steps to notify them before they can proceed with an Unlawful Detainer.


                                                    i.     The term of their tenancy or Just Cause Ordinance they are violating;

                                                  ii.     In detail, the tenant’s conduct that is in violation of the terms of their tenancy;

                                                 iii.     The date(s) or approximate date(s) when the violation occurred.

                                                 iv.     If the violation is repeated, not stopped, or not cured, the landlord may proceed with an unlawful detainer against the tenant.  If the violation can be cured, the date when the violation must be cured or a notice of termination of tenancy may be given. The tenant must be given a reasonable opportunity to cure the violation.

                                                    i.     Notice effective immediately – by personally delivering.

                                                  ii.     Notice effective immediately – by posting a copy of the notice in a conspicuous place, if there was no person of suitable age or discretion to be found AND mailing a copy addressed to the tenants.

                                                 iii.     Notice effective 5 days after it is mailed – by leaving a copy of the notice with a person of suitable age and discretion at either home or place of business of the tenants AND mailing a copy addressed to the tenants.

                                                 iv.     Notice effective 5 days after it is mailed – notice is delivered by certified or registered mail only.