9/11 LA County Supervisors Meeting - Rent Freeze

Post date: Sep 11, 2018 8:3:31 PM

On September 11, 2018, Board Chair Sheila Kuehl and Supervisor Hilda Solis presented an Interim Ordinance to Temporarily Limit Rent Increases. More than 100 tenants and landlords spoke at the meeting regarding an Interim Ordinance to Temporarily Limit Rent Increases.

The staff of supervisors have 60 days to return with a final written ordinance for the board to review and vote on. This ordinance requires, at minimum to:


Rents should not be increased more than 3% in the LA County unincorporated communities - listed below.

In the meantime, landlords are still able to serve notice to move-out.


I had the pleasure of attending this meeting, and speaking up on behalf of landlords and property owners to oppose the 3% limit on rent increases.  It was clear in her opening statements, Board Chair Sheila Kuehl made it clear that she already made up her mind  I was not able to get all of my points across in the 1:00 minute allotted talk time, but here what my intended plea to the supervisors would have been (my 2:00 minute testimony had more facts and details):