Relocation Assistance

Relocation fees are subject to change each year on July 1.  Please look for updates and/or attachments with the most updated information.

From HCIDLA Website:

Under the Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO), a landlord is only required to pay monetary relocation assistance payments to tenants being evicted through no fault of their own. Without a RSO cause, a tenancy may not be terminated. There are 7 no-fault reasons under the RSO in which a landlord can legally evict a tenant. For each reason, landlords must file a landlord declaration application with the Los Angeles Housing + Community Investment Department (HCIDLA) before issuing a notice to move-out. The following eviction reasons require the payment of relocation assistance:


The amount of relocation assistance depends on whether the tenant is an Eligible or Qualified tenant, the length of tenancy, and the tenant’s income.

A lower amount of relocation assistance is required for evictions for owner occupancy for “Mom and Pop” properties. “Mom and Pop” landlords may own no more than four residential units and a single-family house in the City of Los Angeles (LAMC 151.30 E). These landlords may pay a lower amount in order to evict for occupancy by the landlord, or the landlord’s spouse, children, parents, grandparents, or grandchildren. Use of this provision is limited to once every three years.


A landlord or tenant may appeal the relocation assistance determination within 15 days of the issuance of the relocation assistance determination. Appeal reasons may include a tenant’s eligibility for higher levels of relocation assistance based on the tenant’s income, age, length of tenancy, family status or disability. The fee to file an appeal is $200 per rental unit to cover the administrative costs of the appeal hearing. There is a low income exemption waiver for the $200 appeal fee. To qualify for an exemption from the appeal filing fee, the applicant’s annual household earnings must be no more than 50 percent of the median income in the Los Angeles area.  If you do not qualify for an exemption, you must submit the $200 filing fee before an appeal can be scheduled.


Program fees must be paid to HCIDLA by landlords seeking to evict tenants from RSO units for no-fault reasons, as well as landlords who issue a Notice to Terminate Tenancy for any rental unit in the City of Los Angeles for a condo conversion or demolition. Through the Tenant Relocation Assistance Program, the HCIDLA contracts with a relocation services consultant to assist displaced tenants in relocating to new housing. No-fault evictions in RSO units also require the filing of a Landlord Declaration of Intent to Evict with the HCIDLA.


Relocation assistance payments must be made available to the tenant within 15 days of service of the written notice to terminate tenancy (move-out). Landlords may elect to pay the relocation assistance through an escrow account rather than provide the full relocation amount on the 15th day.

For current relocation assistance amounts, please view HCIDLA’s Relocation Assistance Bulletin.