Balance Due Letter

Post date: Aug 02, 2016 9:5:14 PM

If your resident owes you money and you don't want to resort to threats of evictions right away, you can draft them a letter to inform them that of the money they owe you and for what.  Here is a sample for you:

*Tenant's Name*

*Street Address, Apt #*

*City, State Zip*

Dear *insert tenant's name here*,

Your account had a balance due of $____________________.  Please remit payment as soon as possible so your account can be in good standing.  You may submit your payment to (enter who and where they can make the payments to).

Breakdown of Charges:

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact (who can they contact) at (phone number, email, etc).



Owner/Agent for Owner