Section 8

Suggested Response if You Choose to Not Accept Sec 8:

"We do not participate in any government housing programs."

Rent Increase

Only the Housing Authority Can Increase Rent

If the landlord decides to charge more rent, he/she cannot simply give the tenant a rent increase.

Any changes in rent must be done through the Housing Authority and they must notify the tenant in writing and provide them with 30 days for the increase takes effect. When a landlord raises the Contract Rent, this should not have any impact on the tenant since, they will still be charged according to their income.

Just Cause for Terminating Tenancy

The landlord must have Just Cause to terminate Section 8 tenancy.   The just cause is to be set forth as the reason for the termination of tenancy, either in a notice to vacate or a notice to quit.

Just Cause for termination includes:

Criminal activity may also be grounds for termination, including:

However, a landlord may only terminate a tenancy due to criminal activity if the lease provides that the criminal activity in question is grounds for termination. [24 CFR §982.310(c)]

“Other good cause”

State and local ordinance ultimately control what is considered “other good cause.” However, during the initial lease term (established by Section 8 as at least one year, unless shortened for good reason by the local public housing agency (PHA)) “other good cause” may only be based on the tenant’s behavior, such as:

After the initial lease term ends, “other good cause” includes:

Written notice

Prior to termination for any reason, the landlord is required to first provide the tenant with a written notice of good cause informing the tenant their specific conduct constitutes a basis for termination of tenancy. This notice may be served with the notice to vacate. [24 CFR §982.310(e)]

The landlord is required to also provide the local PHA with a copy of the notice to vacate. [24 CFR §982.310(e)(2)(ii)]

Information from First Tuesday Journal

Other sources:

Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles