Assistance for Students in Assessments

We're here to help!

If you feel like you need extra support during assessments options are available. For example, extra time is available for formal examinations and deadline extensions are available for coursework. 

Alternative arrangements for assessments are put in place on the basis of the recommendations made during a needs assessment by the Disability and Dyslexia Support Service (DDSS): Responsibility for initiating these arrangements lies wholly with you, the student. 

It is also recommended that you also complete a Special Needs Disclosure Form and return this to the Disability Officer: Jules Holroyd ( 

Where alternative arrangements have been put in place by DDSS, it would be helpful if students could alert tutors/convenors on modules with in-class assessments (e.g. class tests) to ensure that appropriate adjustments are made to assessments run within the department as well as those scheduled centrally.

Students with a specific learning difficulty (such as dyslexia), an autism spectrum condition or a hearing impairment have the option of attaching a yellow sticker to any piece of written work submitted including exam scripts. Further details can be found at