Get involved

Student Representatives - 2023/24

Claudiu Alexandru Oprita (

2nd Year Philosophy, Religion and Ethics

George Hewison (

2nd Year BA Philosophy

Laura Birch (

1st Year BA History and Philosophy with Foundation Year

Joseph Oxley (

2nd Year BA Philosophy

Onyx Crisp (

MA Philosophy Taught 

Become a Student Representative

Student representatives are the central channel of communication between staff and students. They are the contact point for students who have problems or requests that they want to raise with regards to their teaching & learning.  They sit on the staff-student committee and the teaching committee and thus have a direct say in decisions taken regarding teaching issues with teaching,  (this include issues such as exams, feedback, marking, modules offered by the department and more).

Requests for volunteers to be student representatives are circulated by the Central Services near the beginning of the academic year. Once decided, their names and contact details are listed here on the Philosophy Hub, on our website and in the reception.

Being a student representative is a great way to gain new skills, enhance your CV and counts towards your HEAR accreditation.

If you have any issues you wish to raise with the us, please contact one of the student representatives.

Check out our webpages for more information.

If you are interested in volunteering with PinC or have any other questions you can email

Philosophy in the City (PinC) is an award-winning outreach project, run entirely by student volunteers from the University of Sheffield’s Philosophy department.  PinC volunteers go into schools and other institutions to facilitate philosophical discussion, encouraging pupils and residents to think critically about philosophical problems and develop their own ideas. 

They aim to promote opportunities for people of any age or background to engage with Philosophy and to make Philosophy a subject that is of use and value to both the individual and society.  Any student at the University of Sheffield can volunteer with PinC, but some projects require you to have some previous experience of philosophy. 

Recent project partners include various local primary schools, a specialist school for autistic children, pubs, a youth housing charity and a homeless shelter. 

We have projects in primary, secondary, sixth-form education as well as homeless centers and probation centers. Any student can get involved in PinC, all you have to do is contact us and we'll get you started! It's an amazing way of giving something back to the local community that is closely related to your degree and a great way to gain teaching experience. 


The Committee strongly encourages all Philosophy students to join the student-led University of Sheffield Philosophy Society (PhilSoc).   

PhilSoc arrange a massive variety of social events to help philosophers to meet their course-mates and have an amazing time while at University.

Regular events include bar crawls, guest speakers, and charity fundraisers; which run alongside bigger occasions like the annual PhilSoc Ball and weekend abroad. 

They also offer exciting opportunities to get involved with casual and inter-departmental netball and football through their Mind and Body United sports teams, (as a result of which, the recently established Students versus Lecturers Charity Football Match is rapidly becoming one of the highlights of the academic year).

Please find them on Instagram through their page -

Or Facebook - 

 (, or mascot (  for more information. 

Alternatively, you can email the Committee at 


Do you enjoy reading philosophy papers, or do you have an essay you're proud of? 

Ever thought of publishing it? 

Have you heard of the student-led undergraduate philosophy journal PhilonoUS? 

If not, here's an exciting opportunity to get involved in, in the Philosophy department!

Every year, PhilonoUS recruits editors (even with no experience - don't worry - you get trained) and reviews work written in any area of philosophy by undergraduate students. It doesn't involve a very big commitment, and it's a great experience if you're interested in pursuing an academic future, want to publish something you're proud of, or just want the opportunity to read work written by other students. Check out the website for more details:

The Reading Weekend!

Every year the department organises a Reading Weekend for staff, postgraduates and undergraduates. The Reading Weekend is a sort of mini-conference.  

Students present some of their recent work and then there is a discussion after each session.  However, you can attend without presenting anything - though most people find that they end up contributing to the discussions.  It's all done in a friendly and supportive atmosphere and is a great place to have a seminar. 

Follow the link for more information.

The Philosophy Department's Friday Seminars

The Departmental Seminar is central to the academic life of the Department, and runs most weeks in term time on:

 Fridays 2.30-4.30pm in Diamond Workroom 3

See the Spring 2022 Schedule HERE

Speakers send their paper in advance and speak for around 30 minutes, followed by discussion. Afterwards the discussion continues in a local pub.

Papers are normally available three days before the meeting; enquire in the Departmental Office. For more information contact

All are welcome!  

Philosophy Newsletters

Every other week in term time we send out regular newsletters to you. These are to let you know about important information and also events and opportunities which are happening across the department. You can access all of our previous newsletters below: