Waste Management

Waste management at the University of Peradeniya is a carefully orchestrated endeavor, driven by a commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. The university has implemented a comprehensive waste reduction and recycling program that not only minimizes the waste sent to landfills but also fosters a culture of conscious consumption and responsible disposal among students and staff. Recycling bins are strategically placed across the campus, and waste segregation is actively promoted to ensure that recyclables, organics, and general waste are managed appropriately. This sustainable approach not only reduces the university's environmental footprint but also serves as an educational platform, equipping the university community with valuable skills and awareness to address pressing global environmental challenges. 

Goal 01: Reduce waste generation per capita by 30%, by the year 2032

Goal 02: Reach Zero plastic status by the year 2042

Goal 03: Increase waste diversion rate to 100% by the year 2032.

Goal 04: Increase waste recycling rate to 100% by the year 2032.

3R at UoP

The concept of 3R, which stands for "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle," is a fundamental framework for promoting sustainability and responsible resource management. It encourages individuals, businesses, and societies to adopt eco-friendly practices to minimize their environmental footprint. "Reduce" involves the reduction of waste generation and resource consumption by making conscious choices to use fewer materials and energy. "Reuse" emphasizes the importance of finding multiple uses for items before discarding them, thus extending their lifespan. Lastly, "Recycle" encourages the proper disposal and processing of materials so that they can be transformed into new products, reducing the demand for virgin resources and curbing pollution. Embracing the 3R principles is essential for preserving our planet's natural resources and mitigating the adverse effects of environmental degradation.

1. Reduce

The concept of "Reduce" is the first and foremost step in the 3R hierarchy, which stands for Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. It involves minimizing the generation of waste and conserving resources by using less and being more efficient. Reducing waste means consuming fewer products, materials, and energy, and it has a direct impact on decreasing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills or incinerators. This approach encourages a shift toward sustainable practices in manufacturing, packaging, and consumption. By choosing products with minimal packaging, adopting energy-efficient technologies, and embracing a minimalist lifestyle, individuals, businesses, and communities can collectively reduce their ecological footprint and contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly world.

2. Reuse

The "Reuse" aspect of the 3R concept encourages finding creative and practical ways to extend the life of products and materials. Instead of disposing of items after a single use, reusing involves using them again or finding new purposes for them. This practice not only reduces waste but also conserves valuable resources and reduces the need for additional production. Reusing can take various forms, from using cloth shopping bags and refillable water bottles to donating or selling old items instead of throwing them away. Embracing this concept fosters a culture of resourcefulness and innovation, as well as a mindset that values the longevity and versatility of products.

3. Recycle

Recycling, the final element in the 3R hierarchy, focuses on converting materials and products that would otherwise become waste into new items. Recycling helps conserve natural resources, reduce energy consumption, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. It plays a critical role in reducing the burden on landfills and alleviating pollution. Commonly recycled materials include paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, and metals. Recycling facilities sort and process these materials to create new products, closing the loop and reducing the need for virgin resources. Communities and individuals can actively participate in recycling programs, thereby contributing to a more sustainable and circular economy, where materials are reused and repurposed, further minimizing waste..

What University Does with My Waste?

The proper segregation of waste at collection points is essential for effective waste management and disposal. This practice not only reduces labor costs at waste sorting centers but also makes waste processing more convenient. Within the University of Peradeniya, the primary types of waste produced include food waste, plastic (both recyclable and non-recyclable), uncleaned food packages and liners, paper and cardboard, sanitary pads, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), glass bottles, broken glassware, and Styrofoam.

The Health Center of the University is responsible for waste management on the campus, and waste generated at the University is collected from various collection points according to a predefined schedule. The collected waste is then sorted at a waste sorting facility. Food waste is sold as animal feed, recyclable plastic, WEEE, glass, and cans are sold to recyclers, and the remaining residual waste and sanitary pads are incinerated at the newly established onsite incinerator.

Types of waste collected at the Campus

Food waste

Grass cuttings & leaf litter

Plastics & polythene (recyclable)

Plastics & polythene (non-recyclable)

Paper (regular paper materials and confidential documents)


WEEE (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment) 

Medical waste 

Construction waste materials