Climate Action

Climate action at the University of Peradeniya is of utmost importance, not only for the institution but for the broader community and the planet as a whole. As a leading educational and research institution, the University of Peradeniya has a unique role in shaping the future and fostering sustainable practices. By taking proactive steps to address climate change, the university not only contributes to a more eco-conscious campus but also equips its students with the knowledge and skills needed to tackle the global climate crisis. Moreover, reducing the university's carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices can serve as a model for the region, inspiring other organizations and individuals to follow suit, ultimately leading to a healthier and more sustainable environment for all.

Goal 01: Reduce green house gas emission (scope 1 and 2)  by 14.5%, by the year 2030 against 2021 bassline.

Goal 02: Reach carbon neutrality and become a climate positive University by the year 2042.

Goal 03:  Replace 30% of the gasoline powered campus  fleet by EVs, by the year 2030.

These actions will collectively combat climate change and work toward a more sustainable and resilient future. Keep in mind that the specific actions and priorities can vary depending on regional and organizational contexts.