Environmental Sustainability Pledge

The University of Peradeniya is firmly committed to environmental sustainability, and this commitment is enshrined in our Environmental Sustainability Pledge. We pledge to actively engage in practices that reduce our carbon footprint, conserve natural resources, and promote a healthy and sustainable environment. Our university community is dedicated to fostering environmental awareness and responsibility among our students, faculty, staff, and the broader community. Through initiatives such as energy-efficient campus operations, waste reduction and recycling programs, and the promotion of sustainable transportation options, we aim to minimize our environmental impact. By nurturing green spaces, preserving biodiversity, and incorporating sustainability principles into our curriculum, we endeavor to create a campus environment that inspires and educates future generations on the importance of safeguarding our planet. Our Environmental Sustainability Pledge is a testament to our commitment to building a sustainable future for our university and our world.

Click here to sign the environmental sustainability pledge.