UoP Biodiversity Conservation Plan 

Bridging Generations Through Biodiversity: Our 20-Year Commitment


Nestled amidst the lush and biodiverse landscapes of Sri Lanka, the University of Peradeniya stands as a venerable institution, both an educational beacon and a custodian of our natural heritage. Established in 1942, the university has served as a cradle of knowledge, fostering academic excellence, and nurturing generations of students. As we approach our 100th anniversary in 2042, we are acutely aware of the immense responsibility that comes with our legacy. Peradeniya, with its sprawling campus, is not merely a place of learning; it is a living ecosystem, intricately woven into the rich tapestry of Sri Lanka's biodiversity. From the enchanting avian melodies that grace our mornings to the intricate ecosystems that flourish within our verdant grounds, biodiversity thrives within these hallowed halls. However, we recognize that our beloved campus is not immune to the pressing challenges of our time, including habitat loss, climate change, and the decline of critical species. With this realization comes a solemn duty: to become stewards of the very biodiversity that has enriched our academic pursuits and provided a haven for contemplation and learning. This Long-Term Biodiversity Conservation Program outlines a strategic plan spanning two decades, from 2022 to 2042, as we embark on our journey to protect, conserve, and celebrate the natural heritage within our university.

Goal 01: Increase  the forest cover of University of Peradeniya above 50% by 2024.

Goal 02: Convert 20% of the Pinus plantations into natural forests by 2042.


At the University of Peradeniya, we envision a future where biodiversity thrives in harmony with human existence. Our Biodiversity Conservation Plan for 2022-2042 is a testament to our commitment to protect and nurture the rich tapestry of life on our campus and in our region. We aspire to be a leading force in biodiversity conservation, setting an example for institutions worldwide. Our vision encompasses:

Through our Biodiversity Conservation Plan 2022-2042, the University of Peradeniya is dedicated to preserving biodiversity for a sustainable and harmonious future. Together, we will leave a legacy of a thriving natural world for the generations that follow, respecting the profound interconnectedness of life on Earth." This vision statement encapsulates the commitment of the University of Peradeniya to a comprehensive and forward-looking approach to biodiversity conservation in the coming decades.


The main objective of the biodiversity conservation strategic plan of University of Peradeniya is to conserve the floral and faunal diversity of the University of Peradeniya. The specific of objectives of the plan are to;
