Goal 13: Climate Action

Climate Action

The global mean temperature  for the twelve months to January 2023 will be 1.2 °C above the pre-industrial (1850-1900) level. The years from 2015 to 2021 were the seven warmest on record. The global annual mean temperature is projected to rise beyond 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels in at least one of the next five years. 

Impacts of climate change includes rise in the sea levels, melting of glaciers, flooding, droughts, desertification etc., These climatic impacts can result in crop failure, displacement of people, sinking them into poverty and hunger, increase in wealth gap, and geo-political conflicts. 

In 2015, 196 countries adopted the Paris Agreement to combat climate change. The main objectives of this agreement are to (1) hold the increase in average global temperatures to “well below” 2°C, while pursuing the target of  limiting the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels; (2) increase the ability of countries to adapt to the impacts of climate change; & (3) Provide financial assistance to help countries to achieve low greenhouse gas (GHG) emission targets and climate-resilient development.

Sri Lanka accounts for 0.08% of global GHG emissions in 2019. Transportation and electricity are the two main sectors contributing to GHG emission in Sri Lanka. Despite Sri Lanka being a low GHG emitter, Sri Lanka is ranking at 104 in the climate Vulnerability Index ranking. As a signatory of the Paris Agreement, Sri Lanka has committed to  increase its forest cover by 32% & reduce GHG emissions by 14.5% for the decade to 2030, including an unconditional reduction of 4%.

Compliance with national and international agreements, laws, etc., 

Internal Policies and Circulars


The University of Peradeniya has implemented a range of initiatives to reduce electricity consumption, demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and responsible resource management. These efforts include the installation of energy-efficient lighting and appliances across the campus, as well as the promotion of energy conservation practices among staff and students. Additionally, the university has adopted a comprehensive recycling program, reducing waste and lowering the environmental impact associated with energy-intensive waste disposal. These steps not only contribute to a more sustainable campus but also serve as a valuable example for the wider community on the importance of reducing energy consumption for a greener future. 

Community outreach

The University of Peradeniya has been actively engaged in community outreach activities focused on climate change. Through its various departments and environmental research centers, the university has organized workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns aimed at educating local communities about the impacts of climate change and strategies for mitigation and adaptation. Additionally, they have collaborated with local schools to introduce environmental education programs, planting trees, and creating community gardens to promote sustainability. The university has also been involved in projects to develop and distribute low-cost, eco-friendly technologies to rural communities, helping them reduce their carbon footprint. These outreach activities demonstrate the university's dedication to fostering environmental consciousness and empowering communities to combat climate change.

Youth For Climate Action

This is a crucial moment where adequate and immediate action is needed to face the climate crisis. With the COP26 UN Climate Summit taking place in November 2021, we are attempting to play our role and raise our voice while introducing the activities we have planned for COP26. Join this mission on climate action to  play your role as a responsible young citizen.

Household Waste Management for Achieving Circular Economy

The University of Peradeniya has taken significant steps to promote sustainable household waste management as a cornerstone of achieving a circular economy. Through a series of educational workshops, community outreach programs, and research initiatives, the university has been instrumental in guiding households toward more responsible waste practices. These initiatives emphasize the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling materials to minimize waste generation. They encourage the separation of recyclables from general waste, composting organic matter, and raising awareness about the environmental and economic benefits of these practices. The university has also collaborated with local authorities to establish waste collection and recycling points in communities, facilitating the proper disposal of various materials. Through these efforts, the University of Peradeniya actively contributes to the realization of a circular economy, where resources are conserved and waste is transformed into valuable assets.

School Programs

 Collaborating with local schools, the university has organized a variety of initiatives to engage and educate students on the pressing issue of climate change. These programs typically include interactive workshops, seminars, and environmental education campaigns. University professors and students often serve as guest lecturers, providing insights into climate science, environmental conservation, and sustainable practices.