Goal 04: Quality Education 

Quality Education

Goal 4 of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, "Quality Education," stands as a fundamental pillar in the global quest for a brighter future. This goal underscores the importance of ensuring inclusive and equitable education for all, irrespective of gender, socio-economic background, or geographical location. Quality education not only equips individuals with essential knowledge and skills but also empowers them to be active and responsible global citizens. Goal 4 encompasses objectives like increasing access to early childhood education, improving literacy and numeracy skills, and promoting lifelong learning opportunities. Achieving this goal is essential for breaking the cycle of poverty, reducing inequalities, and fostering economic growth. By prioritizing quality education, societies can unlock their full potential and build a more just, prosperous, and sustainable future for generations to come.

Goal 1 Targets

Free Education in Sri Lanka 

Free education in Sri Lanka is a fundamental pillar of the country's social and economic development. Introduced in the mid-20th century, this progressive policy has provided Sri Lankan citizens with access to quality education at all levels, from primary to tertiary. Under this system, students do not have to pay tuition fees for government-run schools and universities, making education accessible to a wide range of individuals, regardless of their socio-economic background. This approach has not only significantly increased the literacy rate but has also contributed to a more skilled and educated workforce, driving economic growth and social progress. Moreover, free education has promoted social equity and equal opportunities, helping bridge the gap between different segments of society and fostering national unity in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lankan Qualifications Framework (SLQF)

The Sri Lankan Qualifications Framework (SLQF) is a fundamental tool in Sri Lanka's education system, serving as a standardized framework for classifying and recognizing qualifications at various levels and disciplines. Introduced to enhance the transparency and comparability of qualifications, the SLQF enables students, educators, and employers to better understand the educational achievements and competencies associated with different qualifications. It provides a clear pathway for educational progression and credit transfer, promoting lifelong learning and skill development. The SLQF not only fosters a more seamless and efficient education system but also contributes to the international recognition of Sri Lankan qualifications, facilitating academic mobility and global competitiveness. As a result, the SLQF stands as a pivotal instrument in ensuring the quality and relevance of education in Sri Lanka, benefiting both individuals and the nation's overall development. The curricula offered at University of Peradeniya strictly follows the SLQF guidelines foe academic intergrety.

Education at University of Peradeniya

The University of Peradeniya stands as a beacon of academic excellence in Sri Lanka and the South Asian region. Renowned for its rich history and commitment to scholarly pursuits, the university consistently upholds rigorous standards of academic achievement. Its distinguished faculty members, cutting-edge research endeavors, and a comprehensive range of programs across various disciplines are a testament to its dedication to nurturing academic excellence. With state-of-the-art facilities, a vibrant intellectual environment, and a strong emphasis on research and innovation, the University of Peradeniya continues to produce graduates who excel in their fields and contribute significantly to society. Its track record of producing leaders, scholars, and professionals who make meaningful contributions to Sri Lanka and the world underscores its status as a premier institution for academic excellence.

Equal Opportunities in Education 

The University of Peradeniya is deeply committed to promoting gender and social equality in the realm of academic opportunities. With a strong emphasis on diversity and inclusivity, the institution has implemented a range of policies and initiatives to ensure that all students, regardless of gender or social background, have equal access to educational resources and opportunities. These efforts extend to scholarship programs, mentorship initiatives, and support services that aim to bridge gender and social gaps. By fostering an inclusive environment and advocating for equitable access to education, the University of Peradeniya not only empowers individuals to realize their full academic potential but also contributes to the broader goals of social equality and women's empowerment in Sri Lanka. 

Financial Commitment of the University

As illustrated in the graph above, the data for the year 2022 reveals that the University of Peradeniya, on average, allocated a total of 2,887 US dollars per student for their educational expenses. This figure encompasses various aspects of expenditure, including but not limited to academic resources, infrastructure, faculty salaries, and student support services, indicating a substantial commitment to providing a high-quality educational experience for each enrolled student.

Research Funding 

As depicted in the graph above, over the past five years (2018 - 2022), the University of Peradeniya has consistently provided an average annual research funding of $198,751. Notably, in 2022, the university has allocated 4.6% of its total budget specifically for research projects.

As depicted in the graph above, over the last five years (2018 - 2022), scholars at the University of Peradeniya have consistently secured an average of $1,106,066 annually for their research endeavors.

The Center's primary objective is to uphold the highest standards in education, learning, and research, as well as the dissemination of knowledge, by implementing a robust internal quality assurance system within the university. Its role is pivotal in enhancing the educational, operational, and living experiences of the university community by driving all academic and administrative units towards achieving the utmost levels of excellence. Furthermore, the Center strives to be a driving force for continuous enhancement of all essential processes within the university, thereby contributing to its reputation as a trusted institution both nationally and internationally. Through its supportive and collaborative approach, the Center aims to inspire the university community and elevate the standards of practices across all units, ultimately enabling the university to realize its vision. The Center's operations are overseen by a Management Committee, which serves as the Senate's Standing Committee on Quality Assurance and is chaired by the University's Vice-Chancellor. A part-time Director is responsible for the overall administration of the Center, with support from an Administrative Officer and other staff members.

The Career Guidance Unit at the University of Peradeniya plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of its students. Committed to nurturing well-rounded graduates, this unit offers a wealth of resources and services designed to empower students in their career development journey. Through personalized counseling, workshops, seminars, and access to invaluable networks, the unit assists students in identifying their strengths, interests, and career goals. Whether it's providing guidance on choosing the right academic path, preparing for job interviews, or connecting students with internship and employment opportunities, the Career Guidance Unit is dedicated to ensuring that graduates are not only academically proficient but also equipped with the skills and insights needed to excel in their chosen professions. As a result, the University of Peradeniya's Career Guidance Unit is a cornerstone in fostering a future-ready, competitive, and successful workforce.

Robarosiya society functions in collaboration with CGU since 2017. The aim of the society is sharing life experiences and peer help for transformation to university life, face challenges and march towards a successful future.