Goal 02: Zero Hunger

Zero Hunger

Sustainable Development Goal 2, also known as "Zero Hunger," is a global commitment established by the United Nations to eradicate hunger, improve food security, and promote sustainable agriculture by 2030. This ambitious goal recognizes the fundamental human right to access nutritious and sufficient food, irrespective of one's socioeconomic status or geographic location. To achieve Zero Hunger, countries and communities must work together to address the root causes of hunger, such as poverty, inequality, and climate change, while also promoting efficient food production and distribution systems. By ensuring that everyone has access to nutritious food and promoting sustainable farming practices, SDG 2 aims to not only eliminate hunger but also create a healthier, more equitable, and resilient world for current and future generations. 


The University of Peradeniya exemplifies its commitment to addressing Sustainable Development Goal 2, Zero Hunger, by providing affordable and diverse meal options through its dining facilities. Not only does this initiative ensure that students have access to nutritious and budget-friendly meals, but it also accommodates various food preferences among both students and staff. By promoting food security and inclusivity, the university plays a vital role in not only nourishing its community but also fostering a sense of well-being and equity on its campus, contributing to the global effort to eliminate hunger.

The Kiosk Cafeteria

The KIOSK cafeteria, established within the Faculty of Agriculture, embodies a noble mission: to cultivate a student-oriented community kitchen. This visionary project is dedicated to offering affordable meal options to students, ensuring that hunger is not a barrier to their academic pursuits. Simultaneously, it serves as a valuable platform for providing part-time job opportunities to those students facing financial constraints, fostering a sense of empowerment and self-reliance. By combining accessibility to low-cost meals with employment prospects, The KIOSK not only nourishes the bodies and minds of students but also embodies the spirit of community and support within the academic environment, making it an invaluable resource for the university community.