Sustainability Research Funded by the University

The University of Peradeniya, supports academic research through various grant programs. Two important grant programs at the University of Peradeniya that support research conducted by academics are the University Research Council (URC) Grants and University Research Grants.

University Research Council (URC) Grants:

The University Research Council (URC) is a body within the University of Peradeniya responsible for overseeing and promoting research activities. URC Grants are typically competitive and are awarded to faculty members, researchers, and scholars to support their research endeavors. These grants are designed to provide financial support for research projects that can contribute to the advancement of knowledge and address relevant issues in various academic disciplines. URC Grants may cover a wide range of research-related expenses, including funding for equipment, materials, travel, data collection, and other project-specific needs. The application process for URC Grants often involves a rigorous peer-review process, with proposals evaluated for their scientific merit, potential impact, and feasibility.

University Research Grants:

University Research Grants are another type of research funding offered by the University of Peradeniya. These grants are aimed at promoting research activities at the university and are often open to both early-career and established researchers. These grants may be more general in nature and can support a variety of research initiatives, including exploratory studies, pilot projects, and research that aligns with the university's strategic priorities. Similar to URC Grants, the application process for University Research Grants typically involves a review process to assess the relevance and quality of proposed research.

Both URC Grants and University Research Grants are vital resources for academics at the University of Peradeniya. They serve several key purposes:

Funding Research Projects: These grants provide financial support to academics, allowing them to initiate, complete, or expand their research projects.

Promoting Research Excellence: By supporting research activities, these grants encourage academic excellence and innovation among faculty members and researchers.

Knowledge Dissemination: The research conducted with these grants often results in publications, presentations, and contributions to the academic community, thereby increasing the university's reputation.

Capacity Building: These grant programs help develop the research capabilities of academics, allowing them to contribute to the university's mission and the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.

The specific details, eligibility criteria, application procedures, and deadlines for these grants may vary from year to year and are typically made available through official channels at the University of Peradeniya. Interested academics should regularly check with the university's research office or the URC for the most up-to-date information on these grant opportunities.

Sustainability Research Funded by University of Peradeniya