Sustainable Transportation

Sustainable transportation is of paramount importance in our rapidly urbanizing world. It not only helps reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions but also eases traffic congestion and enhances public health. Embracing sustainable transportation options such as walking, cycling, public transit, and electric vehicles promotes energy efficiency and reduces our carbon footprint. Moreover, it fosters social inclusivity, as it ensures accessible and affordable mobility for all, regardless of income or physical abilities. By prioritizing sustainable transportation, we are not only safeguarding the environment but also improving the quality of life for present and future generations, creating cleaner, healthier, and more equitable communities.

Goal 01: Increase adoption of sustainable transportation usage by the university population to  80%, by the year 2030.

Goal 02: Replace 30% of the gasoline powered campus  fleet with Electric vehicles, by the year 2030.

Promoting sustainable transportation at the University of Peradeniya is crucial for reducing environmental impact, improving accessibility, and fostering a healthier campus environment. Here's a list of actions the university has taken:

By implementing these actions, the University of Peradeniya can lead the way in promoting sustainable transportation practices, reduce its carbon footprint, and create a more environmentally friendly and accessible campus for all.