Goal 05: Gender Equity

Gender Equity

Sustainable Development Goal 5, known as SDG 5, is dedicated to achieving gender equality and empowering all genders. This goal recognizes that gender equity is not only a fundamental human right but also a prerequisite for a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world. SDG 5 encompasses various targets, including ending all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls, ensuring equal participation and leadership opportunities for women in political, economic, and public life, and addressing the challenges of unpaid care work. It calls for reforms in legal frameworks and policies to eliminate gender-based discrimination and advocates for universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights. SDG 5 represents a commitment to breaking down gender barriers, challenging stereotypes, and fostering an inclusive society where the potential of all individuals, regardless of gender, can be fully realized. Achieving gender equity is not only a moral imperative but also a crucial step toward building a fairer and more sustainable world for everyone.

Gender Distribution at University of Peradeniya 

University of Peradeniya  provide equal educational opportunities for all students regardless of their gender. This commitment to inclusivity includes offering various programs, support services, and initiatives to ensure that students of all genders can pursue their academic goals with equal access and opportunities. The university had a gender distribution of approximately 63% female students and 37% male students. This demonstrates a significant presence of female undergraduates within the institution, indicating an inclusive and diverse student body.

Teaching staff at the university included both male and female educators. About 44% of the teaching staff was male, while 57% was female, reflecting a relatively balanced gender distribution among the academic faculty.

Non-academic staff, who play crucial roles in the university's functioning, also had their own gender distribution. Approximately 30% of the non-academic staff was female, with 70% being male. While there was a larger presence of male non-academic staff, gender diversity remained an important aspect of the university's overall workforce.

Compliance with national and international agreements, laws, etc., 

Internal Policies and Circulars


A session on SGBV is part of the Induction Program conducted by the SDC twice a year.  Every year, SGBVC Representatives are invited to conduct a session for Faculty Orientation Programmes for incoming first year students. 

SGBVC is in the middle of an ongoing training program on SGBV Policy and Bylaws for Non-academic Members of the University of Peradeniya staff. 

SGBVC has conducted training sessions for academic staff in many faculties.

SGBVC of UOP conducted a training session for Faculty-level SGBV Committees (18/05/2023). 

University Centre for Study Human rights offers a Diploma and Certificate course which includes Women’s rights.

As mentioned above, the Science Faculty has a compulsory, one-credit course for all first-year undergraduates of the Faculty. It is currently NC.


Several Faculties in the University of Peradeniya offer undergraduate and postgraduate courses related to gender through both the faculties and the PGIs. A sample of such programme and courses are given below:

Gender Analysis in Economics (GAE) is an initiative of the Postgraduate Institute in Humanities and Social Sciences (PGIHS) at the University of Peradeniya to promote Postgraduate Teaching and Research in Gender Analysis in Economics.

ECN634 Gender Analysis in Microeconomics

ECN635 Gender Analysis in Macroeconomics

ECN633 Gender and Development – Feminist Economics perspectives

ENG 612: “Women’s Fiction in English after 1800”

Undergraduate courses- Political Science – Gender and Power and gender and politics

Faculty of Science offers a first-year 1-credit undergraduate course on Healthy Relationships. The course addresses issues of how to form and sustain healthy relationships and dynamics.

Outreach Activities

UoP experts have been serving as trainers at international, national and local levels since 1993 in the Ministries of Women’s Affairs, Local Government, Education and Higher Education and Labor, National Police Commission, Human Rights Commission, Child Authority, Sri Lanka Local Government Authority, Agrarian Research Training Center, Sri Lanka foundation Institute, Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration etc.

Awareness Programs

Awareness-raising sessions on SGBV Prevention are conducted in all three languages for all segments of the University community - students, academic, administrative and non-academic staff. Some of these sessions are ongoing. Some sessions are conducted on a regular basis every year: e.g. session at the Orientation Session for first years and Induction Programme for new academic staff at SDC.