Goal 12: Responsible Consumption & Production

Responsible Consumption & Production

Sustainable Development Goal 12, "Responsible Consumption and Production," highlights the urgent need for more sustainable and responsible patterns of consumption and production worldwide. This goal recognizes that the current global consumption patterns are placing immense pressure on our planet's resources, leading to environmental degradation and social inequalities. SDG 12 advocates for reducing waste, improving resource efficiency, and promoting sustainable practices in both production and consumption. It calls for a shift towards more eco-friendly and ethical choices, from sourcing products to managing waste and emissions. By encouraging businesses, governments, and individuals to adopt sustainable and responsible practices, SDG 12 aims to minimize environmental impacts, conserve natural resources, and promote economic growth that benefits both people and the planet. Achieving this goal is crucial for ensuring a more sustainable and equitable future for current and future generations.

Goal 1 Targets

Compliance with national and international agreements, laws, etc., 

Internal Policies and Circulars


The University of Peradeniya has taken several measures to contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12, "Responsible Consumption and Production."