Goal 10: Reduce Inequalities

Reduce Inequalities

Sustainable Development Goal 10, "Reduce Inequalities," is a crucial part of the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It underscores the importance of addressing various forms of inequality, including economic, social, and political disparities, both within and among countries. This goal seeks to ensure that the benefits of progress are shared more equitably among all individuals and communities, regardless of their background or circumstances. By promoting inclusive policies, reducing discrimination, and empowering marginalized groups, SDG 10 aims to uplift the most vulnerable populations, thus fostering social cohesion, stability, and sustainable development. In essence, it recognizes that achieving a just and sustainable world requires us to tackle inequality at its root, striving for a society where every person has the opportunity to reach their full potential and no one is left behind.

Compliance with national and international agreements, laws, etc., 

Centre for the Study of Human Rights - University of Peradeniya

The Centre for the Study of Human Rights at the University of Peradeniya is a beacon of academic excellence and advocacy for human rights in Sri Lanka. Committed to advancing the understanding and promotion of human rights principles, this center serves as an invaluable resource for research, education, and public engagement. Through its programs, workshops, and research initiatives, the center actively contributes to fostering a culture of respect for human rights, social justice, and inclusivity in the region. It plays a crucial role in addressing critical human rights issues, advocating for the vulnerable, and empowering students and scholars to become agents of positive change in their communities and beyond. The Centre for the Study of Human Rights at the University of Peradeniya embodies the university's dedication to social responsibility and the protection of fundamental rights, making significant strides in advancing the cause of human rights in Sri Lanka and the wider world.

Sexual and Gender-based Harassment and Sexual Violence Prevention Committee (SGBVC)

The University of Peradeniya is dedicated to upholding a learning and working environment where the respect, dignity, and equality of every individual are valued, and where any form of harassment or violence, including sexual or gender-based harassment and sexual violence, is strictly prohibited. In pursuit of this commitment, the university strives to proactively prevent instances of harassment and violence, establish efficient and equitable procedures for addressing complaints, and ensure that victims receive the necessary support and assistance they deserve.