Wire Sculpture

The subject of my creation is a tennis racket. The work was made using 18 gage wire for the frame of the racket and for the strings I used 28 gage wire. I chose to create this specific artwork because I don’t play tennis and thought that it would be something that is different than what I am used to making.

I used the techniques of wire manipulation to create the tennis racket. My project evolved from a spool of wire to a tennis racket sculpture.

The meaning behind my artwork is to challenge myself to create a sculpture of a tennis racket. My project relates to my life because I have tried to play tennis before and I thought it would be challenging to create the racket. I think my artwork could be stronger if I had spent more time on it and if I was able to get the racket to be stiffer and if I had more time to work on it. It could also be stronger if the netting was a grid like a real racket and not all over life my sculpture.