Time Capsule

There wasn’t really any setting to theses picture since the whole topic was to create a before and after drawing so that at the end of the year our progress in art can be shown that we have improved our skills. The work was made by using watercolor paper and pencil. The main reason was because it was assigned to draw three different images one being a self portrait and the other one being a still life drawing which I decided that I was the smoke detector on the wall because I thought that that was the definition of a still life drawing because it wasn't going to move or fall causing the drawing to be inaccurate since you are now looking at the smoke detector at a different point of view and your lines would no longer line up and the drawing would be unproportional if one side was much larger than the other one. The third drawing was to draw a corner of a room but I chose what to include in the corner of the room drawing.

I think that used informal balance to make sure that the picture was somewhat balanced either by having the image dead center and having an equal amount of spacing on either side of the drawing. My project went from just an outline to a full face drawing on the one where I made a self portrait and on the other 2 I had started out with just simple shapes and filled those shapes in by creating furniture or trying to add depth to the art by shading in some sections and leaving other parts of the drawing with a light grey to a bright white.

The meaning or the purpose was to have evidence of our abilities before taking the class so that we can see what we have learned by the end of the year. This project related to my life because the smoke detector is something I see every day and remind me that currently there are major forest fires going off in places like California. I think that I could have added color and maybe shaded a little bit more instead of just drawing the shapes and doing minimal shading wit my fingers.