Blind Contour drawing

There wasn’t really and setting since I had decided to paint a background instead of a setting. I used watercolor paper and I decided o paint the faces and then paint the background blue. I decided to use the faces because the hands didn’t really inspire me to draw anything with them.

I think that I used grouping when kept the two faces next to each other. My project evolved from a blind contour drawing to fully painted blind contour drawing.

There wasn’t really any meaning I just made it that way to make it as least hideous as possible. It relates to my life because it has faces and I have a face. It would be better if I had made a better contour drawing.


In both of my creations I decided not to go with a landscape type of background Where instead I decided to go with more of a traditional either standard color in my original work or a multicolored background where I personally thought that had more character to it instead of using just a normal one color background. The subject of my creation tended on being more the faces that were drawn instead of the hands. Go in my revised work I decided to incorporate the hands as kind of a floating object to show meaning as a have figurative gesture showing how the two hands come together to show togetherness between all types of people. The main reason why the tips of the blue hand are white is because it shows that when we come together as one unit and stay away from the diversity that everyone is equal and that there is no discrimination. Though it is to show that everyone is equal in the way that people should be treated it does not mean that in a specific academic structure that everyone is equal because as we know everyone moves at their own pace when doing work and it proves that the people who tend to much better at doing that one specific topic may be able to do it much faster that someone who hasn’t had as much practice with said subject. The original work was created by first drawing a blind Contour drawing of two different faces one being a self-portrait and the other being your partner you say next to you and also to draw two different hand gestures and that would all be drawn and Sharpie. End the second drawing I decided to First draw two different gestures using my hands and since I didn't have a Sharpie I decided to use a pencil and draw the drawing that way. Then I decided that I was going to use colored pencil instead of using water colors on my second drawing because I felt that I could be much more precise of what and where I was applying color and less on how and where am i going to accidentally paint outside of the line that I had drawn. I decided to create this specific artwork because I felt that my original wasn’t at the level that I had wanted and that I just needed to find the time to redo my artwork and properly do it and not rush through the work just to get it done.

I think that I used the rule of thirds because when you divide my paper into thirds every single third has at least one of the 4 blind contour drawings in it. My project evolved from a low end third grade like painting to a little bit better more abstract drawing which allowed me to use my creative side to recognize ways to use the hands that were drawn right next to each other to form a bond and a meaning between just two ordinary hands.

The meaning behind the artwork is that no two people should be separated because of one's looks or beliefs and that if those two people and or the country came together the two people and the country would be much stronger. This project relates to my life because it allowed me to reflect on what is going on it the world around us and to use it in a form of art. If I could improve on thing it would be not using the black on the lady's shirt.