

At the beginning of the year I thought this class would be like art in middle school and I just wanted to get the art credit I needed then be done with art completely for my next four years. Although at first I put no effort in and I was just getting things done by the second quarter I actually seemed to like art. I began to look forward to going to art class every single white day because it was a class where I could work on my project as an individual and make my own decisions. At the beginning of the year I knew nothing compared to as much as I know now. Its pretty unbelievable how much I grew as an artist in only one year. Art class this year has taught me patience, persistance and it taught me not to give up and start over after I make one small mistake . These skills developed throughout the year and it shows through out my work. If you look at my time capsule drawings compared to my later time capsule drawings you notice a big difference in detail skill and over all techniques used to improve the look of my art and you see how these skills have developed and improved with each project.

One the first day of school when we were assigned a homework assignment I was surprised and that immediately left a rough Impression on how the class was going to be for the rest of the year. Even though the class itself wasn't that hard once I got used to it and realized how easy and quickly I could pull out an artist statement and put together a google sites page and put my work on artsonia I realized it wouldn't be that difficult I wouldn't mind having to do those tasks. When looking back on this year I can say that although it wasn't the easiest job the result of creating acrylic art on a snowboard or a pair of skis was by far my favorite projects to work on. One thing I enjoyed about the acrylic paint is that if I was getting board I could take a break and not dry the paint with the blowdryer and let it dry naturally while I checked my phone or took a walk to get a drink of water. I think this also helped me come back to the project with fresh eyes and fix all of the mistakes that I might have other wise not have noticed.

Some art projects we did this year were challenging for me and I got frustrated with myself but if I had to do it again I would be able to the only thing that would bother me is knowing that I have already done it before.


September 7, 2017

Time Capsule drawings

September 11, 2017

Beautiful Oops

September 13, 2017

Class Collaboration

September 19, 2017

Zentangle Value Strips

September 29, 2017

Negative Space Leaves

October 5, 2017

Pure contour

October 25, 2017

Zoomed Shoe

November 2, 2017

Linear Perspective

November 6, 2017

Candy Still Life

November 27, 2017

Mixed media

December 11, 2017

Self Portrait

January 5, 2018

Artist Inspired

January 16, 2018

Duck stamp

February 6, 2018

Donate Life

February 16, 2018

Color study

March 7, 2018

Surrealist Painting

March 26, 2018

Scratch board

April 9, 2018

Gelatin Prints

April 23, 2018

Scraffito Tile

May 1, 2018

Linoleum Prints

May 7, 2018

Wire Sculpture

May 21, 2018

Assemblage Sculpture

June 5, 2018

Independent Project

June 13, 2018

Foundations of Art final (1).mp4