Value Self Portrait

For our self portraits, we were asked to use a gridded paper and printed photo, to focus on proportion. I started to use the grid, but I hated it, and the portrait was taking a long time. Fortunately, I lost it and had to start a new one. The new one took less time, and looked a lot better. I like the mouth the most, I feel like it's the part that looks the most like me. I don't really like the hair, it was hard to draw, and I wish I put a wider range of values in it. I used charcoal for very dark values. It wouldn't draw over pencil, so I would have erase the pencil, then go over it with the charcoal.

I wanted to back round to be zentanglely and kind of earthy. I feel like I have an R.B.F, and sometimes I can come across as rude, because I'm shy. I wanted to portray that even though I look like I'm judging you, I'm really just a chill person.