Sustained Investigation #4

Reginald the Ponderer

5.5'' x 9''

Oil pastel on toned paper

For this piece, I chose oil pastels, which are a new material that I'd never used before. I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and try a new medium that I knew wouldn't allow me to make tiny details on the art. That part was hard for me, because I'm a very detail-oriented person when it comes making art. If I had to do this again, I would make the whole bigger, especially the skeleton. It was really hard to put details, like shading, because the pastels were so big. It would have been easier if the subject was bigger. However, I am pretty proud of this piece in general. I feel I've conveyed depth in the background, which I really wanted to focus on in this piece. I also think Reginald really stands out of the background.