Advanced Studio Art

Semester 1 Reflection

This semester has been pretty much self led. We choose what to focus on, and the materials to do so. I've really enjoyed having the freedom of choice that this class enables its artists to have. It's much different than foundations, where there was a specific curriculum that we had to follow. I've learned a lot about how to use and combine different materials throughout the art projects I've done this semester. I've branched out and used materials I've never tried before, like oil pastels and colored pencils and it's gone pretty well. I know I can stop avoiding using new materials, because it's okay if I don't get it right the first time, I'll just keep learning and getting better.

I think the thing I need to work on is my own view on my art. I'll finish a piece and like it, but then I start seeing little details I missed, or something that I messed up on and I can't unsee it. Then I feel really anxious about sharing it with other people, or when I see it hung up in the hallways. Next semester, I think that if I can give myself more time outside of school to work on it, instead of saving it until the night before, I'll be able to slow down and make art pieces that I'm proud of and want to share. Another goal for next semester I have is to explore more styles of art. For the inclusion project I did an abstract piece, something I don't think I've ever done in an art class. I loved using all the colors and shapes, and I want to incorporate more abstract elements in my art next semester.

Semester 2 Reflection

I feel like I've been successful with experimenting and producing art with multiple subjects, and all around more abstract and surrealistic type art pieces. I've also been playing around with style, and it's been really fun and interesting to try out new styles and see which ones I like, and which ones I've never really thought of using before. I like switching up my style, because I don't have to be restricted to a particular style for every piece. I still like drawing/painting realistically, but I've come to find that I also really like drawing in more cartoonish or abstract styles as well

I've definitely struggled with timing this semester, which is weird because we're all stuck at home for the last bit. I'm someone who can't focus for very long, and when multiple distractions are added in, because I'm home, it doesn't make for a very good working environment. I've kind of fallen out of the habit of doing art just for the heck of it and I would really like to change that for this summer and the foreseeable future, because I really enjoy art and I want to keep improving my work.