Abstract Shoe Drawing

Zoom and Crop and Abstract Shoe Painting

For this project, I chose my side view of my Contour Shoe Drawing. I then chose a part of my shoe to focus on. I created a border and three different sections. In the first section I drew the zoomed in area of my shoe. In the second section I focused on the top right corner of the cropped shoe. Then in the third section, i zoomed in even further. After I had the three cropped drawings, I chose my second crop to use for my abstract shoe drawing. While looking at the lines, the first thing I saw was a leaf, in the two curved lines in the center. I then decided to create a nature themed abstract drawing. I used water color paints. I used different colors to create different moods in each section of the painting. These different moods show how nature is made up of beautiful things but also not so happy things. This project relates to my life because I have a lot of beautiful blessings in my life, but I also have challenges and struggles that I face. This creates a balance of bad and good in my life, just as the light and dark in the painting represents good and evil in nature. I struggled with creating unity in my painting. I overcame this struggle by tying it together in different ways. If I could change something I would make it more obvious that I was trying to capture the idea of the balance good and evil in nature.