Beautiful Oops

A Child's Worst Nightmare

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This is a child's worst nightmare. A young girl has just stepped out of the ice cream shop, only to have immediately dropped her ice cream on the ground and is quite upset about it. This image is similar to something I saw my little sister do many times when we were younger. The way the ink blot is splattered reminded me of dripping ice cream, and I liked the idea of it telling a relatable story.

I used Prismacolor colored pencils and a Sharpie to create this piece.

I began by brainstorming the layout of the work, then used a ruler and graphite to to create the sidewalk and building. I went right in with color, using darker and lighter shades to create depth. I finished by using a sharpie to outline the things I wanted to stand out. As my project evolved, I noticed how it was more difficult to create depth in something flat on the ground such as the sidewalk and the ice cream shop floor. My next steps could be thinking about how I could make this piece more visually interesting.