Artist inspiration

Minor white

Don worth


Minor White was born on July 9, 1908. In Minneapolis Minnesota. He went the Columbia University and the University of Minnesota. He took up photography at a young age but stopped to study botany which is “the scientific study of plants, including their physiology, structure, genetics, ecology, distribution, classification, and economic importance.” and he also studied poetry. He began photography seriously in 1937. He served in the U.S army and fought in World War Two. Why he became a photographer because, he liked the personal fact of photography. His contact with Stieglitz (who is an american photographer) helped him discover his own distinctive style. He learned the expressive potential of the sequence.

Don worth was born on June 2, 1924. In Hayes county Nebraska. He went to Manhattan school of music and Juilliard. He had a degree in music, he began photography seriously in 1949, he also started to teach photography at the art department of San Francesco. Why he became a photographer because he lived on a farm so he was around nature a lot and he wanted and liked to capture the pure nature. He grew up in Iowa and was very interested in Horticulture which is “the art or practice of garden cultivation and management.” Most of the photos that he takes care of plants and nature.

Differences Minor white uses a lot of dramatic lighting where some of the objects in the photo are darker and some are lighter to bring out more shapes inside each photo. He mostly takes photos from straightaway angles. He mostly photographs outdoors and in nature but he mostly takes photos of mountains and cottages. I think what he is trying to get out is that any photo can have meaning and a dramatic feel to it.

Differences Don Worth also uses some dramatic lighting but he also kind of makes some of the photos kind of have a blur. He loves taking photos of nature. I think what he is trying to get out is that there is beauty in all nature.

Similarities They both use dramatic lighting in their photo also they have parts that are lighter and parts that are darker to bring out the different features in their photos. They both like to take photos of nature. Both Minor White and Don Worth like to capture the personal fact of photography.

I like how Minor white has dramatic lighting in his photos. I like how Don worth takes angle down photos and His photos are of nature. I don't really have any dislikes of their photography. What I kind of have in common with both of them is that I like taking photos of nature and trying to make them more dramatic looking with different lighting techniques.
