Film landscapes

For this project we had to take photos of landscapes. And I decided to go outside and take photos around the school, since I don't have my own film camera. The first photo I really liked but I at first wasn't sure if it could count as a landscape but it ended up counting as one. The photo is of my friends jasmine and alyssa and they are standing on this granite outline near the track. They are also standing by some pretty trees that were blooming flowers. The developing process was easier for this photo. I didn't have to redo this one any times. the first time was perfect and I like how the sky is darker and you have to look harder for the details. I also like how in the first photo I could add the sky into it so it will work for my concentration.

The second developing time I decided to do a cyanotype which is basically putting your photo on a piece of cloth and then developing it. The ones that I tried to print on to the paper were coming out terrible until I did this one and it came out the best that it could. I did add some edits to the felt piece which were some butterflys near the trees but I ended up not scanning that one. I really wanna try the cyanotype again to make something better that looks better but I guess that I will just have to try harder to get photos that will show up better.