Reflective self-portraits

Artist statement

For this project we had to take photos of our selves. At first I was confused on how I was supposed to do this projected because we have to be the ones taking the photos. I decided to turn the camera around and take a few selfies and see how those looks then I tried with some reflections.

The first photo is a selfie that I took and I decided to develop it on a smaller piece of paper because I wasn't sure if I would like it that much. I still don't like it very much but the face I make is kind of my go to funny looking face. I decided to develop that photo.

The second one is the altered photo. Its a reflection of me in the mirror. The way I developed the photo was with paintbrush dipped in the developer and quickly brushed it over the photo but only where I was standing so it was kind of clear but also foggy. Next I sprayed the developer over the photo. That was the way I developed the last photo to make it look cooler and have a different look to it. i ended up really liking the second photo a lot also, I like how its a little bit blurry too.