Love is



Artist statement

This is a photo of my family on the beach, I decided to take this photo of my family bc they are the people I love also I took it on a beach outside so I could get my concentration in it. I had them make funny faces in the photo because we are a funny family and not perfect. I had them make funny faces to kind of describe that. I took this photo many different times but didn't like any of the ones I took but then I took this one right after the sun set and first had them smiling, then I decided it didn't look right and the my brother started making stupid faces and it looked a little better so I had them all do it and this is the end result I got. This relates to my life because its my family and we are a fun, weird and crazy family so kind of like their faces. I edited it so the light was more focused on my family since they are the focus of this photo.