Man made

Artist statement

For this project we were supposed to take pictures of man made things so I decided to chose these two photos to develop. The first one is of these circular lights that are in the school and I thought it looked pretty cool so I decided to develop that one. I didn't like how I developed it. I was trying to come up with different dies then I was looking at the lights and realized I saw kind of a face and mickey mouse a little bit so I might try and paint over it and make something out of this photo.

The second photo is of a basketball hoop. I really liked this one also I liked how I developed it. For the developing process I used the spray bottle that was filled with developer and sprayed it down the paper to make it it look all splotchy kind of. I like how it the developer drips down the paper and how its foggy in some spots and others its clear so you can tell what the photo is of.