Thoughtful portrait



Artist statement

The subject of my image is my friend Katie. Standing in front of a wall at school. This image was created by me seeing the the painting of the person on the wall. I wanted Katie to stand next to it. And fill in the spot. The photo evolved with the idea of doing something with one of the paintings on the wall, then I had the idea to have Katie pose next to the painting. Kind of like the person is there but isn't there in person or in the space with her. The meaning behind this photo is that even if a person isn't there physically with you in person. You can still be happy and feel close to them. You are able to feel a connection even if they are gone. In this photo Katie is still happy with the person even tho they aren't physically there. Also she can use her imagination and imagine that a person is with her. The edit is black and white to make people look more at the the photo and enjoy it more. If I had more time to work on this project I would defiantly try and add my concentration.