Still life



Artist statement

The subject of my photo is a record player, typewriter, Polaroid camera, string lights, two Polaroid photos and a record. The photo was taken in my room. For this photo I wasn't planing on having it be this dark. Then I took this photo and i ended up liking how dark it was and how I added the string lights for some light. Also I turned on my record player to add some light and so people could tell that it was a record player. I also like how you have to look harder at this photo to see what is in the photo. This photo I tired taking throughout the day. This was the best one in my opinion. I like how the window frame is not in the center of the photo so the photo is a little bit uneven.

This image is a little bit uneven because of how I took the photo and the window frame in the back is not in the middle of the photo. Sometimes when things are not even I get a little OCD with it and it bothers me. But then I remember in photography not everything has to be balanced out one side can have more on it to make an informal balance. I changed how I took the photo I first took the photo during the day because I wanted my concentration in it but I didn't like how that looked. When it got darker i took the photo and it started to look better. There were a few things missing so thats when I added the record on the back and more lights and it made it look better. I liked keeping it dark to keep the people looking harder and focusing on the photo.

The meaning behind this image is that sometimes to see something you have to take a closer look to see the whole thing. Even if the photo looks very obvious there are sometimes parts that people can miss or not fully understand what it is. Taking your time and giving it a closer look can help you see the full photo. this relates to my life because sometimes I don't look at the bigger picture and sometimes I speed through things when I should be taking my time and enjoying something or working harder. If I could make this photo a little stronger I could maybe try taking the photo during sunset so there is a little light and my concentration the sky.