Advanced Photogram

Artist statement

For this project I had to make a collage then make a photogram using the dark room. At first I had no idea of what I was going to do for the collage. Then I had this idea of taking buildings and cutting out the windows and putting the sky in the background. this project was made with pictures from magazines and put them together on a piece of paper. I thought of this because looking out of windows is when you can actually see the world when you are inside. I thought this idea was cool also it included my concentration.

In the first black and white photo was the first photogram I took, I liked how it looked like an old photo but it was a little dark and I was running out of time in the dark room so I had to get going on the second photogram with the alterations. I decided to add little cutout stars in the bigger window to add a little bit more to the photogram, also so the concentration of the sky would com out more.

The meaning behind this photogram is that there is something that you can always look at but sometimes it takes time to see it and to look. Like how my first photogram is dark and it takes more to see what it is and what is in the windows. Im always looking for new views and looking through windows. If I could change on thing about the photogram would be to change the brightness of the photogram, so I could've exposed the paper less.