Photograghy 2

Frame of sun


just chill

Mi Familia

Where the water meets the sand

Old days

Early morning (1)

early morning(2)

Little town




My images show my improvements throughout quarter three because in the beginning of digital my pictures had a blurry look and were not really thoughtful and I felt like I was rushing through the process of taking photos and the way I took the photos were just straight on there wasn't an angle of creative way that I took the photos. Towards the end of the digital unit I started to have clear concentration and my photos started to mean more and have more of a personal meaning to them. Also I started to take my time on the taking photo process and really trying to find the personal meaning of my work. For the fourth quarter was film photography. At the beginning of the unit my boarders were all off and exposing my picture in the light wasn't that right, some pictures were too dark and others were to light. But I found ways to like each photo. I feel like i had a pretty good personal meaning for most of my images. At the end of the unit I was pretty spot on with the boarders and the exposing there were still points where I was off but other than that it went pretty well. At the end I was also coming up with stories about my work and/or the story behind the photo.

What I was challenged with during digital photography was trying to connect my photos to me and make them more of a personal connection. This was a challenge for me because sometimes I don’t feel comfortable making personal connections and i feel like it might not make sense or i might get judge for what I make connections to. At the end of the project I started to not think as much if I would get judged and just started connecting my work to more personal factors. Another challenge was editing the photos I ended up forgetting how to use photoshop and I kept trying to learn it but then I would forget so that ended up being a challenge because i wouldn’t do big edits with my pictures. I ended up just changing the lighting a lot and using the ballpoint tool to make the photos more defined and so people would have to loo closer at the image to see the bigger picture. The challenges i had with film photography was first with what to take my pictures of, since I didn’t have my own film camera i had to use the schools and that meant I couldn’t bring the camera home so I was stuck taking pictures at school which meant bad inside lighting. I ended up creating some good prints but also some bad prints. Another challenge with film was that I chad a hard time getting my boarders to all be perfect when I was making my final prints. I did get better at the end of the unit. The final challenge of film was that it was hard to expose my prints for the right amount of time because sometimes the values were off for my photos. At the end they got a lot better and started to look really good.

what I am most proud of for digital photography was the photo I took of the turtle. I am most proud of that photo because it took so much work to get that photo I had to climb up on this cliff and wait so long for the turtle to get to the surface then I would tase a burst of photos and would see which one came out the best. The photos that i am most proud of for film was the first photo I took of my friend Alyssa. I am proud of this photos because the values came out nice and there is two emotions in that photo, because she is smiling but the way I and the developer drip down the photo made it kind of look like tears. This photo was happy and kind of sad because of the two elements in it.

What ways digital photography shows my strengths and weaknesses of as a earner was in the beginning of digital my photos were not the best quality and I felt like was just trying to take photo so I would get something in on time. I wasn’t trying my hardest. Once we first presented a in the class and I got some positive criticism back I knew that I could try harder and I knew that I could do better even if it took me more time. As the unit went on I started to take better photos and it did take me more time to do but in the end it made me a better photographer. For film I did grow and showed what . My weaknesses were and strengths. My weaknesses were that my boarders were always off also I had a hard time taking meaningful pictures. towards the end I did take some meaningful photos and even though they were in school I did find some meaningful pictures to take. A strength that I had was developing and exposing my prints they looked really well and in the beginning it ant the best but I started to learn better and ask people what I could do to make it better and what they said help me grow a lot with film.