Foundations of Art

Overall throughout the school year, I have had a really fun time creating projects and exploring my artistic side. In every project, I have found something that I have enjoyed doing throughout the project. But I think the techniques that I have enjoyed the most are blending and cross hatching. I have modeled my independent project on the oil pastel color study because of how much I enjoyed the blending. Some processes I think I struggled with is the candy still life drawing and the use of charcoal. I found it hard to get different shades and values with charcoal more specifically with the candy still life drawing, but then I got the mixed media drawing. I would say overall the products that I am most proud of are the oil pastel color study, the mixed media drawing, and the self-portrait. 3 of these projects required the use of blending and shading which I think I really developed a liking for in the end.

I have proved that I have met the standards by revising and using critiques from classmates and Mrs. Medsker effectively in my projects. I think the object of foundations of art is to learn that art takes time and patience, and when you don’t get it right at first you can always revise and start over again. I also finished all of my work on time and used class time effectively

Art relates to my life every day. I would say that I use art mainly to express how I am feeling about life and certain subjects. A lot of these projects have been based on what I have wanted to create/express but just following the guidelines of the project. And honestly, you could create anything you could possibly imagine, just as long as it used the techniques that we were learning. So I would say art relates to my life as a mechanism used for expression.

Beautiful Oops: September 9th

Time Capsules: September 13th

Lichtenstein Square: September 19th

Extended Blind: September 27th

Designs and Space: October 5th

Pure Contour: October 13th

Abstract Shoe: October 17th

Selfie Still Life: October 25th

Perspective Drawing: October 31st

Candy Still Life: November 14th

Mixed Media Drawing: December 1st

Self Portrait: December 16th

Art History: January 13th

Jeff Koons Presentation/Contemporary Pop Art Presentation:

Jeff Koons.mp4
Contemporary Pop Art.mp4

Oil Pastel Color Study: February 7th

Color Design: March 6th

Surrealist Collage: March 21st

Social Issue Prints: April 4th

Scratchboard: April 24th

Wire Sculpture: May 8th

Assemblage Sculpture: May 24th

Beautiful Oops: May 26th

Independent Project: June 12th

Final Reflection Video: June 12th

Foundations of Art Final.mp4