VCE-VM Work Related Skills

Unit 1: Careers and Learning for the future

This unit recognises the importance of sourcing reliable information relating to future education and employment prospects to engage in effective pathway planning and decision-making. Students will investigate information relating to future employment, including entry-level pathways, emerging industries, and growth industries and trends, and evaluate the impact of pursuing employment in different industries. Students will reflect on this research in the context of their individual skills, capabilities and education and/or employment goals. They will develop and apply strategies to communicate their findings. 

There are two Areas of Study in Unit One:
Area of Study 1: Future careers
Area of Study 2: Presentation of career and education goals 

Unit 2: Workplace skills and capabilities 

As the nature of work changes over time, so do the skills and capabilities needed for success. Fundamental to achieving personal goals relating to future education and employment is the ability to recognise and develop individual skills and capabilities that are valued in a chosen pathway. In this unit, students will consider the distinction between essential employability skills, specialist and technical work skills and personal capabilities, and understand the importance of training and development to support the attainment and transferability of skills. Students will collect evidence and artefacts relating to their personal skills and capabilities and promote them through resumes, cover letters and interview preparation. 

There are two Areas of Study in Unit Two:
Area of Study 1: Skills and capabilities for employment and further education
Area of Study 2:     Transferable skills and capabilities 

Unit 3: Industrial relations, workplace environment and practice 

This unit focuses on the core elements of a healthy, collaborative, inclusive and harmonious workplace and is separated into three main areas: 

• wellbeing, culture and the employee-employer relationship
• workplace relations, and
• communication and collaboration. 

Students will learn how to maintain positive working relationships with colleagues and employers, understanding the characteristics of a positive workplace culture and its relationship to business success. They will investigate key areas relating to workplace relations including methods for determining pay and conditions, workplace bullying, workplace discrimination, workplace harassment and dispute resolution. Students will discover how teamwork and communication skills contribute to healthy, collegiate and productive workplaces. 

There are three Areas of Study in Unit Three: 

Area of Study 1: Workplace wellbeing and personal accountability
Area of Study 2: Workplace responsibilities and rights
Area of Study 3: Communication and collaboration 

Unit 4: Portfolio preparation and presentation 

Portfolios are a practical and tangible way for a person to communicate relevant skills, experiences and capabilities to education providers and future employers. In this unit students will develop and apply their knowledge and skills relating to portfolios, including the features and characteristics of a high-quality physical and/or digital portfolio. The unit culminates in the formal presentation of a completed portfolio in a panel style interview and an evaluation of the end product. 

There are two Areas of Study in Unit Four: 

Area of Study 1: Portfolio development
Area of Study 2: Portfolio presentation