Joshua L. Scargall

Evaluation of leadership during wartime operation: General james mattis and ethical leadership

Major: Strategic Leadership

Hometown: Sterling Heights, MI


This project will focus on the leadership principles of former Secretary of Defense General James Mattis

and his ability to implement ethical leadership as well as effective decentralized command throughout his

military career. Assigned to various commands after gaining his commission as a Marine Corps infantry

officer, General Mattis maintained his ability to inspire and motivate subordinate Marines using various

components of the Leader-Member Exchange theory in an unorthodox wartime environment while still

being mindful of humanitarian and relationship building objectives. With over 40 years of service as a

war fighter, diplomat, and international leader, an in-depth review of his methods behind building

cohesion with organizations will serve as the backdrop of future models on organizational leadership.

After a review of General Mattis’s leadership principles, common misconceptions against military

leadership styles were minimized due to his ability to maintain a high level of ethical and moral standard

while accomplishing the tasks in a wartime environment.

Scargall, Joshua, Poster