Gabriella V. Colonna

The effects of alcoholism on the family and the alcoholic: What resources are available?

Major: Psychology

Hometown: Sterling Heights, MI


Alcohol Use Disorder not only impacts the life of the one with the disorder but can have great effects on family members and dependents of alcoholics. This study explores if there is a difference in the perception of resources available when comparing two groups, those who do have a family member with Alcohol Use Disorder and those who do not. Participants participated in a brief demographic survey as well as a Likert-style questionnaire to determine their perception of current resources in place. Results showed that there was a significant difference between the two groups, indicating that there is a perceived need for more resources or alternative resources in the group who does have a family member with Alcohol Use Disorder. Further research conducted in a literature review examines current resources available as well as the efficacy of those resources. Findings suggest a need for more programs designed and made available for these groups while taking financial barriers and stigma into consideration.