This Week at Dutchman Creek!

Week of 9-5-2023

I braved the storm for my Gators...and those who know me well know that I do NOT do thunder and lightning!!! 😣😅

From the Desk of Principal Moton

Dear parents, students, and school community:

Thank you for a great Week 2 of school! Knowing that each day counts, students and staff engaged in quality teaching and learning throughout the week. 

I was happy to see so many of you at Open House, but I want to remind you that our doors are ALWAYS open for you as it relates to collaborating as a school community for the individual and collective needs of the students of Dutchman Creek. I encourage you to be as involved as possible by working with your child's teachers and administrators and by serving on our community partnership organizations such as PTSA and SIC. We are stronger together and our children will be the ultimate benefactors of our efforts!

Enjoy Monday off and let's all have another amazing week at The Creek! GOOOOOOOOOOO GATORS!

Yours in service,

Principal Clayton B. Moton

Gator Nation Celebrations!

Let's take a moment to recognize and celebrate our Gator Nation students, staff, and community members!

Open House 2023!

Thank you, Gator Nation! Our house is ALWAYS open to you!

The Gator Nation Podcast: Episode 2
Meet Ms. Venables!!!

Subscribe and share! 👇

Evidence of Engagement is Everywhere!

Teachers and students are locked in early!

Gator Nation PSAs!

Important news and information to note!

Public Feedback Sought from RHS

2024-2025 Calendar Survey Part III
As we prepare to present the 2024-2025 school calendar to our Board of Trustees on Sept. 12 for second read, we have been asked by the board to issue a new survey.

This survey will gather your input as a valued member of our community.

If you need a paper copy of this survey, please reach out to your school and they can provide that for you.

Please fill out this survey by Sept. 6 at 5 p.m.

American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act-Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds (ESSER III) Survey

SAVE THE DATE: Field Trips Coming!! 

7th Grade is Going to Washington, DC!!!

7th Grade Students are headed to Washington, DC March 13-March 15, 2024!! Join us Thursday, September 7th at 5:30 for a Parent Meeting via Zoom!! Use the link below. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 821 3581 7114

Passcode: 044168

DCMS Media Center

9-1-23 Media Center WAAG

Counselors' Corner

September is Suicide Prevention Month

As we enter Suicide Prevention Month, it is essential that we come together as a community to raise awareness and provide support for those who may be struggling. This month serves as a reminder that our actions and words can make a significant impact on the lives of those around us. 

Throughout September, we have the opportunity to engage in conversations that matter, to learn more about the signs of distress, and to show our support for those who may be struggling. This month is not just about statistics or awareness campaigns; it's about acknowledging the human experience, extending a helping hand, and being there for each other.

Here's how you can contribute:

1. **Learn About Feelings:** Help kids understand and express their own feelings. Teach them that it's okay to have difficult emotions and that talking about them can be helpful.

2. **Promote Kindness:** Encourage kids to be kind to their peers. Teach them about empathy and the importance of supporting friends who might be going through tough times.

3. **Raise Awareness:** Depending on their age, kids can participate in awareness activities. This might involve creating posters, drawing pictures, or writing short messages of hope that can be displayed at school or in the community.

4. **Express Themselves:** Encourage kids to share their thoughts and feelings creatively. They could write poems, stories, or draw pictures that communicate messages of support and understanding.

5. **Be a Friend:** Teach kids to recognize signs that someone might need help and encourage them to talk to a trusted adult if they're concerned about a friend.

6. **Practice Active Listening:** Help children learn how to listen when their friends or peers want to talk. Even simple acts of listening and being present can make a difference.

7. **Reach Out:** Depending on their age and level of comfort, kids could write friendly notes to classmates, send positive messages, or engage in conversations to let others know they're cared for.

8. **Share Resources:** If kids have access to resources or information appropriate for their age, they can share these materials with friends who might be struggling. This could include helpline numbers, websites, or books.

9. **Create Art:** Art can be a powerful way for kids to express their emotions and thoughts. Encourage them to create art that reflects hope, strength, and the importance of seeking help.

10. **Participate in School Activities:** Many schools organize events or activities during Suicide Prevention Month. Encourage your child to participate in these events to show support for their peers.

11. **Practice Inclusion:** Teach kids to include everyone and not exclude anyone based on differences. Feeling included and valued can have a positive impact on someone's mental health.

12. **Talk About Mental Health:** Make discussions about mental health a normal part of your conversations with kids. This can help reduce stigma and make it easier for them to talk about their own feelings.

13. **Encourage Openness:** Create an environment where your child feels comfortable discussing their feelings and concerns with you. This can help them build healthy communication habits.

14. **Be a Role Model:** Show kids how to be empathetic, kind, and understanding by modeling these behaviors in your own interactions with them and others.

15. **Focus on Self-Care:** Help kids understand the importance of taking care of their own mental and emotional well-being. Teach them healthy coping mechanisms and stress management techniques.

Remember, even the smallest gestures can have a big impact. By coming together, we can create a network of support that reaches far beyond just one month. Let's work towards a future where no one feels alone or hopeless, and where seeking help is met with compassion and understanding.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, don't hesitate to reach out for help. You are not alone, and there are people who care about you deeply.

Together, we can make a difference.

6th Grade Counselor

Tiffany Smith


7th Grade Counselor

Shandra James


8th Grade Counselor

Christina Plantz


Gator Athletics

Volleyball opened their season on a winning note!

DCMS Volleyball opened the season with wins vs Rawlinson Road on Monday and Saluda Trail on Wednesday!

Get your DCMS Fall Sports Gear before it is too late!

Dutchman Creek Middle School Athletics Spirit Wear Fall 2023

Online ordering for Dutchman Creek Middle School Athletics Spirit Wear Fall 2023 ends on Mon, Sep 4, 2023 (11:59 PM EDT)

Fall Sports Schedule


Got questions about sports at DCMS?
Contact Jason Werts, Athletics Director (!

Calendar of Events

Gator Vision: Behind the Lens!

Images from Week 2!