This Week at Dutchman Creek!

Week of 12-11-2023

Yep...that's 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣+ angelic voices wowing the crowd at the DCMS Winter Chorus Concert! 💚🖤🐊

From the Desk of Principal Moton

Dear parents, students, and school community:

Last week was a busy week, but we got so much accomplished! Congratulations to the DCMS Chorus and Orchestra students for putting on amazing concerts. Our winter sports are in full swing and our Gators are holding their own against some great competition across the area.

This week will be just as busy. The Quarter 2 benchmark window opens, we have basketball and wrestling three nights this week, and theatre auditions are later in the week. Review the newsletter carefully and plan accordingly.

As we count down the days until Winter Break, let's not forget to make everyday count! Have a great week! GOOOOOOOOOOO GATORS!

Yours in service,

Principal Clayton B. Moton

Gator Nation Celebrations!

Let's take a moment to recognize and celebrate our Gator Nation students, staff, and community members!

DCMS Chorus Concert

Congratulations to Mr. Araya and his chorus students for putting on a masterful concert! Thank you to West End Baptist Church for always being willing to host!

DCMS Orchestra Concert

Great job, Dr. Hildreth and orchestra students! A packed house enjoy the talents of our Gators!

DCMS Jr Beta Club brought joy to seniors!

DCMS Jr Beta Club continued the tradition of providing one-of-a-kind hand crafted holiday wreaths for members of our community. This year's recipient of their labor of love was Brookdale Senior Living! #GatorsCare💚🖤🐊

Evidence of Engagement is Everywhere!

Community Based Instruction at Walmart!

Science Rocks!

Student Success Check-ins!

Gators supporting Gators!

The faculty and staff go above and beyond to support the students of The Creek!

Gator Nation PSAs!

Important news and information to note!

Dutchman Creek Staff Cookie Walk

DCMS PTSA will once again be hosting a Cookie Walk for the staff on Thursday, December 21.

LINK TO SIGN UP -->Cookie Sign-Up

Each sign up slot is for 2 dozen average size homemade cookies or other similar sized holiday treat.  Please send treats in on December 20.  The preference is for treats to be home made. 

Please send cookies on disposable trays that do not have to be returned to you and label them with the cookie type and any allergens.

Email questions to

Thank You for showing the Gator Staff some love this holiday season!


Don't forget your yearbook on your shopping list!

Kona Ice!

StuCo Presents Holiday Spirit Week '23

-Your DCMS Student Council!

DCMS Media Center

12-8-23 Media Center WAAG

Counselors' Corner

The holiday season is quickly approaching!!!
The DCMS school counselors will again be hosting the Gator Giving Tree!!
Approximately 10 students have been identified from each grade level to receive gifts.
Each student will receive a clothing related gift and a "fun" gift...with an approximate value of $25.
If you would like to provide a gift(s) for a may select an ornament from the Gator Giving Tree website.  If you have any questions, please contact one of the grade level counselors. 

Wrapped gifts are due back by December 13th with a sticky note attached identifying the ornament you selected.


6th  grade: Tiffany  /985.1715

7th grade: Shandra  /985.1716

8th grade: Christina /985.1718



Gator Giving Tree Website

Thank you so much for all of your support in making this holiday special for all of our students!!

6th Grade Counselor

Tiffany Smith


7th Grade Counselor

Shandra James


8th Grade Counselor

Christina Plantz


Gator Athletics


Got questions about sports at DCMS?
Contact Jason Werts, Athletics Director (!

Calendar of Events

Gator Vision: Behind the Lens!

Images from Week 16!