In-Game Photography for XP Policy

Official Shadow Accord Policy

After each official Shadow Accord event, any person who attended the event can submit photos taken during events to Tech in exchange for XP. Photography must not be disruptive; the camera must remain as hidden as possible. Any player can report another player to the XOs or HoS for being disruptive, as per the Complaint Policy. During an event, XOs and HoS have the right to request any individual cease photography activity for any reason; if individuals are consistently deemed to be disruptive, XOs and HoS have the right to revoke their photo submission abilities. 

The wider the variety of subjects/factions pictured, the greater the XP reward. Each faction represented in the photographs will count for 1 XP given to the photographer, for a maximum of 5 XP (i.e., Commoner,  Sorcerer, Shifter, Vampire, Wraith) per photographer per official event. Non-faction-specific photos can also be submitted (e.g., site photos) for a maximum of 3 XP per photographer per official event. Only usable photos will result in an XP award (e.g., only picturing players who are willing to have their image used; high enough quality). If a submission is rejected, the photographer has the right to appeal to the Head of Tech; the Head’s decision is final.

The photographs should be submitted to with the photographer’s full name, the date of the event pictured, and as many full names of those pictured as possible. The photographs will be used on the official Shadow Accord website, Facebook groups, and other official marketing materials. Tech will maintain a list of individuals playing at Shadow Accord who have expressly denied giving their consent to their image being used; all players will have the opportunity to consent or deny consent upon checking in at an official event, beginning at the September 2019 event. The photographer gives up all rights to the photos, although all effort will be made to properly credit the photographer; Shadow Accord will not profit from the photographs.

Last updated 1/25/20.