In-Genre Policy

General Props

Players are collaboratively responsible for maintaining the status quo of Shadow Accord’s medieval period immersion. This revolved around trying to keep garb generally to around the beginning to end of the medieval period (from the 500s to 1400s, sans New World Discovery). The only exception to this will be those approved based on a PC’s story, Shadow Accord’s eclectic factions*, or other specific, direct requests for approval upon which exception is made.

*This largely applies to the Wraith faction, who has the innate ability to morph their appearance. However, they still must abide by non-modern requirements, and are encouraged to pick garb from a scale of “period in which they were alive” to “supernatural horror”. Other factions also have aesthetic tendencies, which are encouraged, so long as they do not obviously stray from what would generally be accessible to people at the period in which Shadow Accord takes place.

Hard “No”s

It should be noted that hard-line occurrences require Deco Team members to step indirectly, and give players a reminder of what is and isn’t okay as props. 

Examples of things always disallowed in-game is obvious modern packaging of foods in-game space, such as wrappers, cans, food boxes. Notably, modern foods should be eaten subtly if possible, or not brought into game space at all. These foods would include things like Cheese-its and similar modern crackers, chips of basically any variety, pizza, and burgers. Rits are considered okay, since they are plain colored and often in party trays which people often like to bring into the game, whilst hiding the packaging.

Relatively all modern clothes are a hard no, like jeans, modern business and business casual clothes, t-shirts, absolutely anything with logos. Shoes tend to be an exception due to the necessity for good foot support, but anything white or with vibrant colors is very discouraged, and is encouraged to be covered. More neutral-colored or darker shoes are recommended. The only time modern clothing is not a hard no is if it is not visible to players and staff, or is supplementing garb in such a way that it's more modern elements are hidden, and not jarringly visible.

Modern props under no circumstances should make it into game space unless used in such a way that their modern elements are hidden, and not jarringly visible. Modern props include things such as electronics, watches, some instruments, particularly modern fabric designs, and vehicles. Visibly modern bedding, like many sleeping bags, should at least be covered with neutral fabric or blankets if possible.

Things like items used for disability or health reasons are not considered props for the effect of this policy, as they are required to maintain the safety of a Shadow Accord member who requires them. Said members, however, are encouraged to decorate any visible items in a more medieval/supernatural aesthetic relevant to their player character, if they are willing and able.

A player who makes prop mistakes in their first game is allowed to borrow what they can from ST, so long as important collateral is provided and exchanged upon end-of-game with the related staff member. If they make food mistakes, they are encouraged to eat as subtly as possible, so as to not break immersion, but Deco Staff is never allowed to stop a player from eating.

Deco Team members must keep a record of these occurrences, in case of recurring breaches by individual members of Shadow Accord participants. It should be emphasized that Deco would much rather talk to and help players understand our in-genre policy, rather than "enforce" it. If you have any questions or any need for clarification, please feel free to send us an email, we're here to help!