
Arriving to game? Check-In is where you let SA know you're there! Currently located in the Tavern Lodge in the middle of town.


Check-In is responsible for the following tasks: 

In addition to all this, Check-In also is expected to refrain from sharing private character information with other players. 

Every game, Check-In creates and prints the registration sign-in sheet and also calculates XP info from pre-reg or work parties. After Check-In hours are concluded, Check-In team passes this information onto the Storytellers for the rest of the game.  After game, both Check-In and the Executive Officers receive a copy. 

In addition to the Treasurer, the XOs, and the STs, Check-In works closely with the Character Guides, who approve new characters and help orient new players. 


Check-In opens at game on Friday night and operates for the general playership from 6 pm to 11 pm. For staff members, expedited check-in is from 5 pm to 6 pm.

If you think you will be late to check-in, submit this form. Late check-in must be prearranged by the Thursday before game. Late check-in times are from 11:30 pm to 1 am on Friday/Saturday of game and 8 am to noon on Saturday of game.

Important Links

Cast your playership votes here. These are due at midnight on the Wednesday before event.

Submit your teaching forms here. These are due at midnight on the Wednesday before event.

New to game or need a refresher for how Check-In is run? Follow the Check-In steps here.

To see the full policies of check-in and get guidance in unusual situations, click here.

To read up on the new cameo policy, click here.

To request tags prior to checking in for game, please use the form here.

Team Members

Check-In is made up of:

Contact Check-In by emailing