OOG Sleeping Policy

A new accommodations policy has been approved as of November 29th 2018.  The full proposal can be found here


While a great deal of the tension and immersion in game is vulnerability while players sleep, there are situations wherein a player is unable to do so such as with certain medical needs. In such a case, a player with these needs may remove their self from game by either wearing an orange headband or visibly tying off an out of game orange ribbon to their bed to rest. There are also other areas removed from game space that are often available, and if possible are ideal arrangements.

This is an honor system in place for people who cannot, for whatever reason, be asleep in game.

As to be fair to those with establishments in game, any payment or arrangement for the in game bed space is still the responsibility of the player.

Furthermore, a player returning from sleeping out of game with this accommodation may not enter play in the middle of a scene happening in their immediate vicinity. The player must leave the area to find a location sufficiently removed from the scene and where no other roleplay is taking place before returning to play.

Medical Accommodations

Please submit a medical accommodations form to Safety Team so that we may have you on file (this is not required to use this policy though it will help in case something happens)