Science Update

Science Round-Up


This module has seen our Year 7s first ever practical MYP assessment, where they investigated the rate of diffusion in agar using different concentrations of hydrochloric acid. Students showed a great level of interest and maturity to complete this, so well done!

Students in the Year 7 Science club have really enjoyed doing a variety of activities this module, such as seeing who can build the highest spaghetti towers, learning how to make personalised perfumes to give as gifts for Christmas, and making ice cream! (below) Students look a bit cold but it was a lot of fun and very tasty!


Students in year 10 have been taking part in the First LEGO League competition, which takes place on the 8th December. The theme is ‘transporting cargo’, and they will be competing against other schools to create a robot that can carry out a series of missions. Students have spent many hours after school diligently putting together hundreds of lego pieces to create this robot that they have called ‘Del’ and put it through its paces.

This robot is controlled electronically through a computer

interface and is capable of all sorts. See this video for a preview of Del in action!

For further information, see below!

Del the Robot

Making ice cream

Science club

Students in science club got festive this module and created science-themed snowflakes featuring rockets, astronauts, conical flasks and important scientists.

First LEGO League:

On Wednesday 8th December, 7 talented year 10 students travelled to the University of Kent to compete in the First LEGO League competition. They day involved giving three presentations and getting their robot, Del, to compete against other robots to complete missions on a course within 2.5 minutes. Del got to complete the course 3 times, and our best score was taken. The students all performed to their strengths whilst also showing admirable teamwork. They did incredibly well in representing the school and we are very proud of them.

Mr. C. Goddard - Director of Learning for Science